Tucker Carlson Seems Like a Nice Guy – IOTW Report

Tucker Carlson Seems Like a Nice Guy

12 Comments on Tucker Carlson Seems Like a Nice Guy

  1. Gateway Pundit ran some articles about Tucker and his neighbors in Maine.
    They all like him.
    One person even said that their daughter doesn’t agree with him but likes him.

    By the way, the best headline of all about Tucker being fired was from the Bangor Daily News out of Bangor, ME.

    “Maine Man Loses Television Job”

  2. Left Coast Dan is correct. That was taken years ago from a man who was trying to expose Tucker Carlson as a “not nice” guy but flopped.

    Leave Tucker alone. They are terrified of him and I love it!!
    Makes me sick they think they have won by Tucker being fired.

    Pray every day!

    God Bless us all!

  3. I think Bill Oreilly’s downfall was when he started a much deserved expose on george soros. (blows against the empire!) Well, I think more people nowadays are aware of “what” soros IS and Tucker is also much more effective and …..”likeable” than ol curmudgeon Bill!…………..

  4. as KEYNOTER Sat he said, “Americans should pray for America”! Ausies are atheists! Not very nice to say out loud where your boss can hear!

    No Murdock organization will ever show him again! PRAY FOR AMERICA! How rascist!

  5. He handled that with intelligence and class, they probably spoke for a few minutes longer and the video guy lost any desire to confront him. I know my shortcomings and would mot have done as well, probably would have tested the swimming skills of the person confronting me and seen if his phone was was water resistant.


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