Tucker Carlson Speaks About Privacy – IOTW Report

Tucker Carlson Speaks About Privacy

“You know where there is privacy and secrecy in great abundance?” he asked. “The federal government,” Carlson answered, “which has classified over a billion documents describing what they’re doing with our money, in our name. This is our government! And yet they have every right to keep key decisions from us?”

“So to take a lecture from them about how I’m a criminal because I want privacy in my financial transactions or my phone calls or my text messages, really?”

Read and view video HERE

5 Comments on Tucker Carlson Speaks About Privacy

  1. You hide that of which you’re ashamed.
    In so hiding, they are admitting guilt.

    Our gov’t has become a great criminal/Satanic undertaking – complete with villains, super-villains, stooges, and useful idiots.

    It will endure only as long as God allows – then it will be ground into dust.
    We’ve seen it all before; we’ll see it all again (humanity, that is).

    The malefactors will be made to account for themselves: the trusts and oaths they have broken, the money they have stolen, the lives they have destroyed to grub at the public trough, the lies and deceits, their sins of commission, AND omission – before the only Just One whose Justice is Pure.

    May God have mercy on their souls.
    (in the meantime, they should all be hanged)

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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