Tucker Carlson Thinks the Nominee Will Be Michael… Obama – IOTW Report

Tucker Carlson Thinks the Nominee Will Be Michael… Obama

ht/ woody

24 Comments on Tucker Carlson Thinks the Nominee Will Be Michael… Obama

  1. Will Mike’s nomination push all the aggrieved and entitled ones like DumbJoe and dickHolder into lashing out and revealing dirt on the selfish 0bozo’s ??

    Wouldn’t that be fitting if the circle jerk crowd cannibalizes itself?!

  2. That’s sort of what I’d been thinking for awhile…
    …but then, after reading a bunch of other folks’ thoughts on this,
    I tend more towards both 0bamas not wanting to have a crushing defeat* on their resumes, so they’ll more likely let one of the current candidates run and lose instead.

    Leaves open the door for a later attempt 2024/28…

    * unless they’ve got MASSIVE voter fraud already in place, which I doubt, because I suspect the Trump Administration has been working on/against it – as quietly as they have the #SpyGate stuff.

  3. Black? check
    Female? check
    Transvestite? check
    Ugly? check

    Mike needs not campaign or even say a word. He’s already won the nomination. Identity politics is the democrat party; there’s nothing more to it. Raycis, hateful, bigoted to the core.

  4. A last minute Michelle Obama nomination is plausible but risky. In her favor is the fact that the Democrat field is exceptionally weak – when Joe Biden, Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders are your front runners, your party is in deep trouble. Obama can read polls, and the tea leaves are not portending good omens for the Democrats. In addition, by delaying a candidacy Michelle Obama is avoiding the scrutiny that the other candidates would place her under. Forget the media – they are Obama lapdogs – but the others in the race definitely want to be President as well.

    There are risks. The other candidates were garner delegates during the primaries, and keep in mind that California is in March now. Although the DNC has procedures in place which help ensure that their chosen candidates get the nomination (i.e. super delegates), there is a chance – particularly as the field narrows – that a current candidate may obtain a majority by convention time. There is also the possibility that if Obama jumps in at a late date, she will piss off voters, current Democrat candidates, and donors with an obvious end run around a grueling primary process.

    I think the key will be whether or not Barack Obama thinks his legacy is safe enough for Michelle Obama to jump in. Things are going well now – in contrast to the Obama years. No one is really touting a return to the Obama years at this point. I would think that Trump and his campaign would be well served to keep uncovering the scandals our media hid during the Obama years to avoid a Michelle candidacy.

  5. When Trump “grabs her by the pussy” in the first debate, I want to see his face when he finds a twig and berries. “Oh my, what big labias you have!”

    I call bullsh!t. The Obamas have already given their “children” back to their biological parents. Plus, Michael’s mandatory (emphasis on m-a-n) Walter Reed physical would reveal that Joan Rivers was spot on.

    The goddamn Libs figure Bongo would, in reality, be serving his Third Term. Michael would be simply a proxy.

    This is all making my anus bleed. Where are you Great Meteor?

  6. SNS has been calling this one for many months and believe he stressed he/she will be looked at as a hero/heroine. Save the party and the election…

    Waiting for the comment to appear on this one…

    Down side for Mooch is she/he won’t ba able to spend the millions and all the time on vacations if winning the election.

  7. “Is Michelle Obama trying to run for president…”

    Yes, which is why the Democrats don’t have a clear, viable candidate at this time.

    The thing is, “she” doesn’t want to debate or do any of that ookey campaigning stuff, so “she” is just going to let them snipe at each other and then present it like she’s some modern Cincinnatus, reluctantly pulled into politics by popular acclaim to assume the dictatorship in order to right the wrongs of the world against her will.

    None will dare challenge “her” because, Black and because, “Woman”, and because, trans, and because, “Obama”.

    Look for a time of thrills up the legs of media everywhere preceding an announcement at a recreation of the Temple of Venus to try to emphasize both “her” godlike status AND perpetuate the lie that “she” is a woman.

    Running mate? Oprah, maybe, or Al Sharpton seems to be ascending in popularity, or maybe even the return of Barry, this time as VP. You can BET it will be a protected minority whose faults can be papered over with cries of “RACIST”, though, although maybe that Butthole guy would do OK as they could do the whole “Homophobe” thing instead.

    So, yes, Mooch will be running, and Mooch will be your President. Unless Hillary kills “her” first, we can always hope for that. After all, she DID kill John-John Kennedy to get his Senate seat, which is probably the ONLY reason we didn’t have a second President Kennedy by now, so evil will does sometimes evil mar…

    “A traitor may betray himself and do good he does not intend. It can be so, sometimes”
    -JRR Tolkien, “The Return of the King”

  8. The First Sasquatch is not interested in challenging President Trump for 2020. It would be a waste of its time. Trump’s actual poll numbers, underground support by minorities and campaign funds overwhelm any Demwit candidate efforts to win.

    Besides there are too many road kill skeletons in Sassie’s closet President Trump could have fun with, that can expose this possible October surprise as a dud. Sassie’s ego won’t stand for that.

    After President Trump’s second term, all bets off. Sassie, aka Big Mike will likely campaign ad nauseam until becoming an official presidential candidate 2024 and 2028, if necessary.

  9. November 3, 2020
    “Crap Barack, I won. Now we have to get those two bitchy girls back and run this whole damn charade all over again. You better seal those Walter Reed medical records and explain why that doctor ran her car off Key Bridge. Now rub my feet.”


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