Tucker Carlson To Take the Coveted 8PM Fox Slot – IOTW Report

Tucker Carlson To Take the Coveted 8PM Fox Slot

With the ousting of Billo, Tucker will be in the #1 prime airtime spot.

ht/ fdr in hell

22 Comments on Tucker Carlson To Take the Coveted 8PM Fox Slot

  1. Expected that. But would prefer HANNITY in that slot. Maybe he will move up to Carlson’s current 9:00.

    Carlson’s just OK, but I’m not a fan. He’s Establishment RINO Ivy Entrenched Beltway Insider all the way.
    I believe that Carlson’s much like Beck and Sweaty Thumb and others past and present: he’s made a lucrative cushy nest for himself “playing a conservative on TV” but it’s just a shtick, a pose. He’ll never rock the boat, and whether Trump succeeds or fails is immaterial to Carlson’s bottom line.
    In short he’s perfect for The New Fox ™.

  2. but he’s way more likable than Ted Baxter. I always disliked O’Reilly. he always seemed conservative in the same way McCain seemed “conservative”. you know – two faced conservative a panderer.

  3. Well deserved! Tucker is setting a new standard of conservative, traditional, nationalist and patriotic journalism. He is a great speaker and good on his feet. the number of journalists I like I can count on one hand — Tucker, Lou Dobbs, Sheryl Atkinson, Sheryl Atkinson (OK not like I think she’s drop dead gorgeous or anything), Neil Cavuto, Stuart Varney.

  4. say what you want about O’Reilly, but he has been the #1-rated show for a long, long time … & this will do nothing but hurt Fox w/ viewership … & it may be more libtard stations gain
    O’Reilly had a loyal audience
    whether it’s a short-term or long-term hurt remains to be seen

    congrats to Tucker Carlson … big shoes to fill

  5. O’Reilly was awesome back in the day but for the last few years he’s been mailing it in. His books and tours made it pretty obvious that he just wants to milk “the folks” for all their worth. If I see another Killing _____ book on a shelf I’m going to pull my hair out.

  6. It would be wise for every conservative man who is in a lead position in any organisation with money to keep a homely older secretary with him during all meetings with women(& ?), and to have her keep a sworn record of each days encounters.

    Liberal men need not worry – as highly placed figures in a crooked, unethical gang which pursues the biggest loot pile of all, and has armies of fanatics, they are too dangerous to mess with.

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