Tucker Carlson: We’re Back. – IOTW Report

Tucker Carlson: We’re Back.

h/t AZC

19 Comments on Tucker Carlson: We’re Back.

  1. therefore play at… 8pm. With a possible “rebroadcast” at 11pm, to also hurt Fox’s West Coast time zone ratings.

    Update: Tucker is giving up the $25 million he’s still owed on his contract, claims Puck.

    If so, I guess this is a breach — though a case of breaching second — and I guess he will be free to make money from subscriptions and ads.

    Dylan Byers @DylanByers
    NEWS: Tucker Carlson will relaunch his show *on Twitter* with help from former Fox News staff. He will forgo at least $25 million owed to him by Fox Corp. in order to break non-compete clause.


    cut and pasted from ace os spades hq

  2. @Odin 2013–

    It’s better than Hyde Park Corner in London. (Although I wonder if free speech is even allowed THERE any more.)

    Obviously, he thinks it will work at twitter. Maybe there, he is beyond the legal gag reach of Murdoch and company.

  3. @ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ —

    It ain’t so bad. I’ve gotten pretty adept at batting bots into deep left field (and enjoying it). And I certainly get 100 times more real news–and lots more of it–than if I tried to weed through any MSM offerings.

  4. BTW Twitter is great for getting up to date news. I only “like” tweets and follow people I’m interested in. You can interact as much or as little as you want. My bantering days stopped after the tea party.

  5. Hopefully, clips will be available on YouTube, Rumble, or other platforms because I refuse to sign up for any socialized media even to listen to Tucker.

  6. Carlson can have a very comfortable retirement for himself and family. He has the option of taking several more million from Fox and can even throw a few more million dollars on the pile through speaking engagements and “writing” a couple of books. Instead, he gathers his team, identifies what he believes is the platform most supportive of free speech, and wades back into the fight. Only this time, as he points out, there are no restrictions on telling a more complete story on events. Tucker is launching what will likely be the most important conservative voice in media and doing so in an arena that will reach much younger listeners than Fox News does.

    Tucker is freely taking on the loss of easy income, a likely risk of personal safety, and has chosen Twitter as the most viable option to immediately continue to speak. He will immediately be the most important voice against the corruption that is your Federal government and be offering news during one of the most critical times of our nation’s history.

    Tucker has chosen his battle space and will willingly continue. While he does this, keyboard warriors declare they won’t sign up for Twitter because…? Echos of, “Dagnabbit, my parent’s didn’t have one of those newfangled…” Or, even more astonishingly, “I’ll wait for someone to release a selectively edited video.”

  7. As others have said, Twitter ain’t so bad…
    While I NEVER post on Twitter, I get to CHOOSE who I want to follow, and what things that I am actually interested in to read.
    Well worth the couple of minutes to sign up for.
    Try it, I bet you’ll actually like it.

  8. I hope this works for Tucker. I thought he should continue his contract, get his money from Faucks, without compensation go on any show of his choosing that invited him and sell his artwork to support himself. Kinda like that other guy does.

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