Tucker Carlson’s 2 Minute Video Had More Viewers Than All Cable News Programming Combined – IOTW Report

Tucker Carlson’s 2 Minute Video Had More Viewers Than All Cable News Programming Combined

CTH: To give scale to the growing insignificance of broadcast news networks, consider this fact-based analysis.

Tucker Carlson released a two-minute video on Twitter that had 72.7 million views in 24 hours.  The entire cable news industry combined, every show on every channel, over the corresponding timeframe had 53.1 million views.  MORE

13 Comments on Tucker Carlson’s 2 Minute Video Had More Viewers Than All Cable News Programming Combined

  1. That’s was expected. People tuned in with watery eyes and itchy ears. Tucker doesn’t know what’s next, it has never happened to him before. Unlike Hannity, who was a roofer, baker, wallpaper hanger. Tucker is independently wealthy, born with a silver spoon in their mouth.

  2. Fox was big because of Carlson. All Calbe depended on Carlson, to some extent. Someone with both guts and $ will pick him up to grow. It will test Murdock’s threat of legal action.

    Murdocks, like Don, have been in court fights many, many times. Unlike Don, they have good lawyers. They still lose sometimes – Australia and UK. So Murdock’s threat is not taken lightly. But Carlson IS CABLE NEWS!

  3. There ya go ^ ^ ^
    Goldenfoxx jelly

    In Other News:
    Just heard President Trump and Steve Bannon have a great video out today too.

    Good Times. 2 turntables & a microphone.

  4. Carlson’s show was, in my view, an “opinion show.” But unlike other such shows, Tucker Carlson backed up his opinions with research, video and available data. Carlson also wasn’t afraid to put on people who had opposing viewpoints, but unlike other such shows, Carlson wanted his guest’s opinions to be backed up with verifiable data and he wasn’t afraid to challenge the premises of any arguments.

    That is what made Tucker Carlson fun to watch, and why FOX and other “news” channels were afraid of him. Carlson’s opinions were grounded, and they influenced may viewers’ own opinions despite the establishment’s preferred narratives. And that is why FOX is taking steps to keep Carlson off the air until after the 2024 election.

  5. You can get the canned government lies from a myriad of sources
    Real people hunger for an alternative view, a knife that can cut through the fog of bullshit.

    When politicians drape themselves in ‘democracy’, they lie, they want unchallenged authority. Every one a closet Napoleon.

  6. Carlson’s removal serves several purposes.

    1) Demonstrates FOX deep state affiliation, demoralizing those proletarians who believed FOX was an independent news and opinion source.
    2) Reminds every up and coming ‘personality’ in the business who’s the boss and why it’s best to stick to the narrative.
    3) Eliminates another ‘star’ who’s getting too big for his britches, saving the associated costs.
    4) Reverse of number one, demonstrates FOX’s commitment to the deep state as controlled opposition, reassuring the masters with an enormous public act of submission.
    5) Loudly helps cement the fiction that the 2020 presidential election wasn’t stolen.
    6) Partial payment, in kind, of settlement in the Dominion lawsuit FOX threw in order to maintain the fiction of non-controlled opposition for those of the proletariat who ‘still don’t get it’

    Naturally, none of these positive outcomes from abruptly bouncing Carlson are likely related to the actual reason FOX gave him the boot, after all the proletarian’s view of the master’s doings is one from far away and beneath the rarified air of the master’s councils.

  7. @Fork Forks Spoons: Nope, never mentioned my usual. Tucker will be okay. He knows who “they” are, he admitted to being a part of it. I don’t think he knows how to deal with the situation or if he has to. They’ll silence him and he knows that.

  8. Tucker was a “journalist” in the truest sense of the word. Holding government accountable with truth and facts. This country has suffered a huge blow to freedom.


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