Tucker: Inside the seedy world of the ‘Lincoln Project’ – IOTW Report

Tucker: Inside the seedy world of the ‘Lincoln Project’

Tucker Carlson reacts to new report alleging the Lincoln Project knew about sexual misconduct allegations.

10 Comments on Tucker: Inside the seedy world of the ‘Lincoln Project’

  1. Fun Lincoln Rejects Fact: Ana Navarro is really George Conway in drag… now you know….
    ALSO: I’m just gonna keep on posting this until everyone understands…

    Dear Fellow Americans,
    If you are still operating under the belief that there is a Two-Party System, would you PLEASE STOP IT!!!!??? You would look less foolish if you declared your fervent belief in the Tooth Fairy… just sayin’.
    If you wish to strip-away the power of the reprobates and charlatans currently infesting OUR government, you need to STOP participating in their divisive Political Tribalism that does nothing more than diminish OUR identity as Americans and pits Americans against Americans. STOP identifying as Republican or Democrat… there is NO SUCH THING. What the “Parties” offer WE the People is the illusion of choice while both sides of the aisle work toward a common goal that is repugnant to the COTUS.
    Any questions, feel free to ask.

  2. Who didn’t already think these lincoln project people weren’t “those kind of people” because there were, they are, they will probably always be “THAT KIND OF PEOPLE”

  3. Nothing strange at all. Liberal Republicans hired liberal Democrat consultants to run their campaigns into the ground.

    The liberal democrat consultants then claim to be ex-Republicans so they get invited onto tv to insult “their own side”.

    The liberal consultant Super PAC got 90% of their money from Democrat billionaires and dark money groups.

    Great return on their investment blending their great loves together.

    Like chocolate and peanut butter, steak and ale, sausage and biscuits…Never Trumpers and Pedophiles.

    Search George Conway’s blazer pocket and you’ll find his daughter’s panties.


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