Tucker: Is Biden interfering in the Hunter probe? – IOTW Report

Tucker: Is Biden interfering in the Hunter probe?

Tucker Carlson does an in depth analysis of top DOJ official’s links to Hunter Biden’s attorney.

[The election was fraudulent]

h/t Butter

21 Comments on Tucker: Is Biden interfering in the Hunter probe?

  1. The big man’s just protecting his bag man.
    Nothing to see here folks…

    According to Doctor Google 33,000 Covid deaths since the inauguration of fraudster biden.

    Democrats lie & cheat.
    Republicans are weak.

  2. …You know, they say “there are no dumb questions”. And mostly that’s true, there aren’t.

    Except THAT.

    THAT is a really, really, REALLY dumb question.

    That is a question on a level with “How does eat food?”

    That is a question like the time a guy walked through a light curtain into a robot cage without locking it out and bent over cleaning something without telling anyone in there he was in there, so the Production crew started the machine and slammmed the E-stop when his head popped up before the robot arm could rip it off, and after getting read the Riot Act about it he asked, “Would that REALLY hurt me”? kind of dumb.

    This is SUCH a stupid question, questions like THAT look like Mensa tests by comparison.

    Joe Biden ALREADY is on record, IN HIS OWN WORDS, interfering with an investigation into Hunter in ONE country, why the HELL would he not do it in the one he is illegally IN CHARGE OF?!?!?

    …this guy’s only there because of corruption and lies, and serves a cabal who will kill literally ANYONE who interferes with anyone in the cabal, be it a Supreme Court justice, a plane full of people to kill one witness, ANYONE who is a threat to Muh Power.

    …and THIS guy asks if the Democrat controlled FIBBIES and DOJ that just obstructed the LAST President and deliberately hid, destroyed, and discredited evidence to get THIS one, he’s asking if THIS guy would interfere with THAT investigation?

    …Good Lord, that’s SUCH a stupid question, I’m afraid that Hank Johnson may very well have been outclassed in terms of his tipping things over, or whoever that idiot was that asked the Mars rover to drive over to look at the Moon flag, or…

    …Never mind. I just can’t even EXPRESS how STUPID that question is and the WORST part is that it only gets STUPIDER from HERE…


  3. Strange world, aint it? Where you can no longer put down someone for asking an obvious question by saying, “Is the Pope Catholic?”

    What about bears? They still defecate in forests, dont they?

  4. Hey, “Captain Obvious” Tucker, is water wet? Of course Chairman Xiden is impeding Hunter’s criminal investigation. This commentary must be directed to his Democrat viewers.

  5. Ya don’t screw with what butters your bread, know what I mean?

    Hunter provides the butter for Joe the Emperor of the united chumps of America who allow this farce of a stolen ewection continue.

    They want us gone and obsolete replaced with Chicoms — the secret slogan of the Biden Crime family is “build it until the Walmart cashiers speak chinese (mandarin).

  6. With Biden’s failing health, he’ll be croaking soon.

    Kamala “I Love You Long Time” Harris doesn’t have the base – or the talent – to cover for a dead Biden’s son. She’ll sell him down the river, like the democrats are doing to Cuomo in New York (now THAT is a win-win for everyone). The scary part is just who the left has in mind to replace Cuomo, who is probably becoming too much of a liability.

    Cuomo is a mass murderer. That tag will NEVER elude him, so he has become useless as a political figure to the left outside of New York.

    Bye bye Cuomo. May karma have you die slowly and alone in a crowded, diseased warehouse – like the THOUSANDS you condemned to die that way.


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