Tucker… (not Carlson) – IOTW Report

Tucker… (not Carlson)

18 Comments on Tucker… (not Carlson)

  1. It is funny how when children’s hospitals want to raise money they show little babies being operated on & recovering Not a Clownish Fruit loop with a roll of medical tape & face that screams Crazy.

  2. Why would I want to tape my penis so I could look more like a woman? This is idiocy, I am a man and always have been a man for nearly 70 years and happy with who I am. My wife wouldn’t have been very happy with me if I had tried to act like her, she was very happy that I was a regular guy and not some wuss wannabe. Who in their ungodly mind thinks up this crap. And besides I’ve had a beard most of my adult life so that’s a dead giveaway I’m all male. So there, shove this bs up your kazoo where the Sun doesn’t shine.

  3. Boston Childrens Hospital is now a criminal institution, and should be shut down, it’s executives (and anyone else who participated in this child abuse) , tried, convicted and incarcerated for life (or executed). This is madness. Talk about inmates running the asylum!

  4. It’s an everyday occurrence at stores here that when you make a purchase, they’re asking if I’d like to round it up to the nearest dollar for “Children’s Hospital.” Now I have a new weapon to use when asked. I’ll say “no, I’m not paying for children to transition from one sex to another, you ought to be ashamed of yourself for asking.” I have no problem giving a comment like that in return to these asswipes. They have no shame for asking, and I have no shame for answering.

  5. Isn’t Boston Children’s Hospital the same hospital that convinced a young girl who said that she was a bird to fly recently with disastrous consequences? Fortunately, she survived their stupidity in allowing her to think that she really was a bird and could fly. If God had wanted us to fly like birds do, he would’ve given us wings.

  6. Things are getting really weird. I happened to be on Etsy looking for a bra today and along with photos of happy women showing how their bra fits are some horrible photos of harry ugly male torsos sporting lovely female lace bras. It’s sick. Their really need their own parallel sports leagues and websites. It’s tiresome to have that sort of visual shoved in one’s face all the time.


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