Tucker reacts to Lindsey Graham’s push for war with Iran by dropping an f-bomb on his head – IOTW Report

Tucker reacts to Lindsey Graham’s push for war with Iran by dropping an f-bomb on his head

Sadly, more Americans have paid the price for Joe Biden’s terrible and inept “leadership” with their lives. At this point, with Joe in charge, who needs enemies? Three US troops are now dead and dozens more are hurt from an Iranian-backed drone strike that took place in Jordan, near the Syrian border.

10 Comments on Tucker reacts to Lindsey Graham’s push for war with Iran by dropping an f-bomb on his head

  1. You gave all our stuff to Ukrane, poisoned our troops, ruined our alliances, and sold all our Strategic Reserve oil for our war machine to China, all the while counternancing an illegitimate fraud who’s more interested in fighting Texas than any of the many ACTUAL foreign enemies he’s armed and financed.

    So exactly with WHAT do you propose we war with, Miss Lindsey?

    Tell you what, be a leader for once. Get out in front. Gran a rifle and lead the charge, literally. Put YOURSELF in harms way, stand in the breach, use your own precious self to draw their fire.

    Lead us, Rino G.

    We’re waiting…

  2. The thing is it’s not really Pedo Joe running anything.
    Obama and his pals are pulling the strings and they’d love nothing more than a caliphate on the US.
    Today’s military is so weak and feminine they’d probably throw purses at anyone they attacked.

  3. All Tubberville’s fault for holding up 300 + military promotions. Troops are stationed all over the world. Things happen & muslim types hate America/Americans. Toally bogus nonsense coming out of the mouth of someone spreading propaganda & hate. Sensationalism from one who needs headlines to feel relevant.
    What an enemy drone followed an American drone back to base. Towelhead bastards got lucky this time confusing radar operators.
    The only ones who eat up this crap are comrades bent on destroying America/Americans from the inside.

  4. “Three U.S. service members were killed and dozens may be wounded…”

    Reuters, I did not realize there was any doubt about those soldiers actually being wounded. Are you being skeptical, or just journolisming here? For people who are allegedly credentialed in communications, y’ou certainly don’t communicate very well.


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