Tucker: Trump calls Democrats’ bluff on illegal immigrants – IOTW Report

Tucker: Trump calls Democrats’ bluff on illegal immigrants

Now, why would the Dems reject and insult the illegals like that?

13 Comments on Tucker: Trump calls Democrats’ bluff on illegal immigrants

  1. Put them on buses and drive them to downtown City hall in LA and NYC. Drop them off and leave. Let the natives of those sanctuary cities provide sanctuary.

    See how long it takes them to scream that these people are a federal problem.

  2. @Jimmy April 14, 2019 at 8:06 pm

    > But if he dumps them in ‘Sanctuary Cities,’ how does he argue in favor of cutting off certain funds to those cities?

    Heads we win, tails they lose.
    (You’ve never “worked” in government, have you?)

  3. `Behind their facade of Social Justice, Democrats Hate blacks and Mexicans. The post Civil War hate that spawned the KKK and Jim Crow is alive and well and as strong as ever.

  4. Trump has completely outfoxed them. They seem surprised he came up with the idea. They are open-mouthed and dumfounded. Stupid arseholes.

    This is such a brill idea I hope fervently that Trump does not cast it aside. The fuckin’ liberals deserve it, and much worse.

  5. “But if he dumps them in ‘Sanctuary Cities,’ how does he argue in favor of cutting off certain funds to those cities?”

    By declaring themselves sanctuary cities welcoming and asking for illegals to be there, and refusing contact with ICE, they have shown that they don’t need nor want the government’s help with them.

  6. My property value keeps going up.
    But I demand that my red state pass legislation that it is illegal to sell a home to someone from California, New York, Colorado, Oregon, Washington, CT, MA, et al (the failed liberal shitholes)


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