Tulsa – IOTW Report


ht/ hot salsa

24 Comments on Tulsa

  1. gin blossom June 20, 2020 at 3:15 pm

    Obama must be fuming!

    Every Democrat is fuming and are livid! We’ll have another go around in the coming weeks and it will get worse. BLM will be hitting the burbs looking for food. They burned themselves out of places to loot! Be ready for them to show up, I hope they bring body bags with them.

  2. They burned the link or ‘cut the line’ at the perimeter…I went there once and could not get in with the second try. Gee I wonder what they are soooo afraid of over there at Twatter??

  3. And I’m not dissing on my American friends.
    I have money in two homes in Florida.
    I have spent nights on neighbourhood watch.
    I am just expecting a little backup.


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