Tulsi Gabbard Continues her Faux Populist Charade – IOTW Report

Tulsi Gabbard Continues her Faux Populist Charade

You don’t fool me anti-gunner!

*Some salty language.

24 Comments on Tulsi Gabbard Continues her Faux Populist Charade

  1. Made it five seconds. Not a real fan of the Long Haired Hippy Mutha Fcker.
    Tulsi Gabbard is your classic JFK Democrat. Borderline Socialist. Anti Gun. But currently attacking the shit out of the Socialists that have a real good chance of taking over our country.
    So I’ll support the fuck out of her until she’s no longer useful. This guys post is why we lose. Got no tolerance for losers.

  2. ” that shit, right there, makes no sense. This post is why we lose”

    And you are a total fucking idiot. Who’s side is she aligning herself with. How many Democrats that follower are thinking , wow, We better think about this again.

    No Pal. You rep the assholes that cause us to lose. Fuck off, eat shit and die.

  3. ^^^^ What I said about making no sense. Backing a liberal that is “fluffy” will always bite you in the ass while you wear your bunny slippers. Do you have a mirror?

  4. ^^^^I’m not thinking this isn’t even close to lucid logic. I bet this clown can’t legally own a gun.
    Gabbards been saying all the right shit lately after being bitch slapped by her own party. She’s pissed. Will I vote for her for city dog catcher? Fuck no. Am I going to stop her on her current vendetta to get even with the DNC? Why would we? Maybe Abner Tripleday would. After all he’s a fucking idiot.

  5. And why is he still displaying โ€œ666โ€ in his videos? Is this a message? If he isnโ€™t aware of doing it then he is fucked up. He might be fucked up either way.

  6. I’m wondering why some people turn a conversation into a fight at the drop of a hat….. seems counterproductive.

  7. Easy boy’s, I error on the side of Napoleon on this…

    Don’t interfere with the enemy when he is defeating himself or in this
    case herself.

    On the other hand she either needs to switch parties or shut up. She can’t do the first because she’s from Blue4Ever Hawaii and therefore has should do the second because to do otherwise makes her a hypocrite.

    Since she won’t let’s just sit back and pass the popcorn while rhe Pedo shits himself and the toddler whore giggles.

  8. Tulsi may not get along with many of the Demos, IF ELECTED, She Would CARBON TAX, MEDICAL TAX, & GREEN TAX the fuckin hell out of the USA like everyone else once she gets the She gets the Soros, Gates, Euro Parliament PHONE CALL.

    They all do.


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