Tulsi Gabbard Leaves the Democrat Party – IOTW Report

Tulsi Gabbard Leaves the Democrat Party

Fox News

Former Democratic presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard announced she left the Democratic Party on Tuesday, denouncing the organization as an “elitist cabal.” More

42 Comments on Tulsi Gabbard Leaves the Democrat Party

  1. Most of her positions are to the right of Romney, Kinsinger, Cheney, etc., but she still holds too many goofy liberal ideas to qualify as a true conservative. I suspect if she ever holds office as an “independent”, she will caucas with the dems. She is not to be trusted.

  2. I think she’s done, the Democrats will destroy her. Very difficult to make a come back once you leave the party you were affiliated with all your life. A leopard cannot change its spots.

  3. “She is not to be trusted”

    If you put your trust in any politician, you are an idiot. They are useful only when they are promoting/advancing your values.

    I am glad that she is ready to climb back into the arena. Yes, she held typical lib views while in Hawaii, how else could she win? But watching her maturation, watching reality smack her upside the head re: the party that she aligned with, very pleasing to the eyes and ears.

    I don’t forget that right after voting “present” on the House floor on Trump’s impeachment she said,”I am confident that the American people will decide to deliver a resounding rebuke of President Trump’s innumerable improprieties and abuses. And they will express that judgment at the ballot box,”

    I will give her a fresh look, leaving the dark side is never easy and she could be a force for good. Let’s see what her next move is.

  4. Wasn’t she a Bernie Sanders supporter? You can’t be a Democrat without attaching Socialist with a hyphen to your affiliation, unless you constantly appear on Tucker Carlson espousing Conservative values. Tulsi may have changed her frock, but she will never convince me she’s not an Obama Lite supporter.

  5. I don’t trust anyone 100%. Not even Trump, or DeSantis. Hell, some hard-core conservatives are saying that DeSantis is a mole, and that if he gains the presidency will support globalization. But I do appreciate what Tulsi has said recently, and her willingness to be one of the few who say things publicly. Her recent statements have been consistent, and even older statements aren’t far out of line. I still have trouble with her prior support for Bernie, but she supposedly supported him primarily for his anti-war stance. She hasn’t earned my vote yet, particularly if she’s going against Trump or DeSantis, but she is doing more than most Republican legislators.

    Well I probably trust BFH 100% 🙂

  6. At least her voice would be a welcome counter to the insanity coming from the left, perhaps it could serve as a moderating influence on the less indoctrinated lunatics. She’ll never be of the right.

  7. I still disagree with many of her liberal and even socialist views and dont want her running for a GOP seat. But her drawing attention to the hypocrisy, elitist, and radical views on free speech, etc is very welcomed and i am glad she is exposjng this.

  8. Here is something I was kicking around in my head yesterday evening:

    If, as it looks likely they will, the Republicans take control over congress they do not use the existing template the Democrats have been using to harass anyone who opposed The Party to hold legitimate investigations into everything that has been going down the last few years, is that not prima facia evidence that the Republican establishment is and has been in on it the whole time and their primary concern is to continue to advance the progressive agenda and the interests of The Party ? I would say it definitely is.

  9. @JDHasty

    I’m pretty confident that the GOP will convene a number of hearings (Afghanistan, the border, disastrous energy policy, Fauci, Hunter’s laptop, and the Biden Family Crime connections) for the main reason that it’s much easier (and more fun) to investigate the other guys instead of actually doing their jobs and solving the nation’s problems. How effectual they will be (visions of Gowdy and his Benghazi circle-jerk) at weakening the bad guys and moving our agenda forward, it’s always a crap shoot with these guys.

  10. “She’s still all in on gun control”

    NO!, She shot a tactical match last week. I think the woman’s watching the take over of our government and she’s just as concerned as the rest of us. Maybe even a little freaked out. She certainly says everything guys like me want to hear. I follow her on IG. I started following her when she made Harris look like a total moron in the debates.
    What’s going on with our country right now is enough to force patriots to ‘Evolve”. Elon Musk for example.
    The big danger is if she goes independent and runs for President. She is gathering a huge following. Her career is far from over. In fact she maybe positioning herself in the perfect spot. She could be a big time spoiler. Her IG followers are mainly MAGA people. Hell I’d trade her for Joe Biden in a freken heart beat.


  11. BRAD

    Man I voted for 9 times – as a Dem, union president, said in 1947, “Government can never solve our problems, … Government IS our problem!”! zIt was so well received he repeated it maybe 1,000 times the next 40 years; including twice on Johnny’s show.

    Biased I am. I was a Ronny Dem 62 years ago. Voted for
    Barry because of “THE SPEECH” ; all the men in my clan were Dem; “Its a Family Tradition”.

  12. I sure as hell hope she doesn’t make a presidential run as an independent in 2024. If either Trump (my preference) or DeSantis were to run and she was a 3rd party candidate I think it would cost us the election.

  13. People also need to temper their expectations, Dutch is not coming back.

    My laundry list is fairly small; secure the border, promote energy independence, keep us out of stupid foreign entaglements, be good fudicieries of our tax money, and keep government out of our affairs as best as possible. I don’t care if you are a muslim, an atheist, or even a Democrat, support these and you will have my backing.

  14. ^^^^^^^^

    That’s making it pretty simple Rich. Let’s take it a step farther. Shirts and skins. Who’s on our team? Dan Crenshaw, Mitch the Bitch, Lindsey, how about any talking head that has an R behind their name you occasionally see on FOX.
    Trump, DeSantis, Green, Bobart. Hopefully some new people running. Tulsi? Maybe. A lot better than anyone on the first list. Unless she goes independent.
    We need a core group of organized people to right this ship that are willing to work together. A tall order with that many egos.
    PS, I want to be skins for obvious reasons.

  15. 2024 is up in the air, Tulsi doesn’t have a rats chance of getting elected for the Presidency. Yes, Trump was a Democrat all his life, and as I have said all along, a leopard cannot change its spots. Trump bent on a few things – things he said he wouldn’t do like signing a budget before the country shut down. He gave in. I’m not going to go on and on, the final nail in the coffin for me with him was Operation Warp Speed, and it’s still a issue with me with him. Joe Rogan was a big Bernie Sanders supporter, and people still flock to listen to him. I have no use for a Bernie supporter or an atheist, Rogan is both. I have no use for Tulsi either.

  16. “2024 is up in the air, Tulsi doesn’t have a rats chance of getting elected for the Presidency.”

    That is NOT the fear. The fear is she could prevent a DeSantis or Trump from winning by splitting the vote, and I’m telling you she is growing a following.

  17. I’m trying to think what her end game is here, any ideas?

    Since Hawaii is super blue, any elective government post there is a non-starter. She could make a good living (for a while) pounding democrats on Foxnews but I think she is trolling for a VP spot with whoever the GOP nominee is in 2024.

    Although she is as white as Kamala, she checks the “minority” and “woman” box, a veteran who knows her way around a firearm, not an elitist or corporate whore, and her personal life is pretty sedate.

    She would not be my first choice but she has 2 years to convince me.

  18. Rich Taylor

    You should get on Instagram. Instagram is where a lot of the people/Patriots go that have either been booted from Twitter or who are sick of Twitters constant attacks on Conservatives. Don Jr alone is worth being on IG. If you decide to I can pass along some great follows. But IG is quick and to the point. They seem to post much more there than places like Twitter.

  19. If you notice, she’s been on Fox with Tucker and Jesse ALOT. They BOTH practically DROOL over her! Maybe she’ll become a host there.
    But I agree with others here where she seems a little tricky.
    She may be another Nicki Hailey, IF you know what I mean….

  20. She was on Rogan yesterday, a small clip;


    One area we are in perfect alignment with is the distrust/suspicion for the military-industrial complex and the unholy hold it has with lawmakers from both parties.

    But she touched on something I’ve been thinking about lately. The general consensus among the village idiots that control our nuclear arsenal is that Putin would never launch a nuke, even a lower-grade one on Ukraine because of that outdated notion of “mutually assured destruction”, and that their doing this would somehow trigger a response from us of similar severity. I don’t buy it for a second. Sure, it would trigger an emergency UN response, much hand-wringing and sternly worded warnings from the West, but there would be no retalitory nuclear response from us (NATO included).

  21. Whatever reason Gabbard is leaving the Demwits, it will be to first benefit Gabbard before anyone or anything. She vibes narcissist.

    Her statement reads like a Hollywood script or a great salesman’s pitch. She seems flaky.
    Nope. Don’t trust her at the moment.

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