Tulsi Gives Her Endorsement to President Trump – IOTW Report

Tulsi Gives Her Endorsement to President Trump


“If you love our country, as I do, if you cherish peace and freedom as we do,” Gabbard said during a National Guard Association meeting in Michigan, “I invite you to join me in doing all that we can to save our country and elect President Donald J. Trump and send him back to the White House to do the tough work of saving our country and serving the people.”

Before denouncing the Democratic Party and becoming an Independent in 2022, Gabbard ran in the 2020 Democratic presidential primary, outlasting Harris by four months and ripping her during an MSNBC debate for her record as a California prosecutor. More

18 Comments on Tulsi Gives Her Endorsement to President Trump

  1. It’s a pretty historic time when you stop to realize people like Tulsi, who can think, are getting behind Orange Man Bad. And in a panic.
    “Secretary of Defense. Just saying!” I’m thinking that should be General Flynn.
    Tulsi for Secretary of state.

  2. “Sounds like Trump is committed to putting Tulsi and RFK on his transition team.”

    They’ll be more dependable than any RINO and most Repubs. Their eyes are wide open.

  3. Did you notice the expression on her face when she endorsed Trump? She has the courage of her convictions and isn’t afraid to show the passion behind them. She may yet shake the world.

  4. The importance of the RFK & Tulsi endorsements is that it opens the door for Dems who don’t want Kamala but are unsure of Trump. And that is a good thing.

    The thing is really amazing to me, though, are the number of people who are still saying that while they like Trump’s policy positions they can’t stand his “behavior”… I mean SERIOUSLY? The way the world is right now we don’t need Mr. Nice Guy.

  5. I liked her the first time I saw her.
    I really liked her when I heard what she had to say!
    Pretty, measured, calm, logical without a hint of disingenuousness.
    That’s a pretty rare combination

  6. I was listening to Tim Pool the other day, he was talking about RFK Jr., and how he first approached the Harris camp and offered his services in exchange for a place in her administration. They told him to tell his story walking, and it was at that point that he approached Trump to barter his services. Who knows if this is true, but if so, it paints him as a low brow mercenary, not concerned about the welfare of the nation but only what he can get out of it. Yes, I’m glad he is on board but only to the point that it will facilitate what I want, the re-election of Trump.

    I have no such illusions about Tulsi. She strikes me as genuine, a true patriot who sees the calamity in front of her and views Trump as the only answer to right the ship.

  7. With regard to RFK Jr motives, well, he is still a Kennedy. But in this particular case, what exactly is he supposed to do? He gives the Dems a chance & they don’t simply shut the door in his face, they throw him out. Yeah, we should always keep watch & verify but there is also that thing about the enemy of my enemy…

  8. Jethro

    I’ve typed this before here, but, she caught my attention while still serving as a senator of accusing the Obama admin of supplying terrorists with guns. My ears perked up and I’ve been following her ever since. She was on the way out of that party that day. It’s been a long transition. But a damn fun one to watch. The woman thinks and is all about vets. Her I.G. profile reads Senator, Presidential Candidate, Surfer. What’s not to love.


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