Tuohy Family Responds to Oher’s Lawsuit – IOTW Report

Tuohy Family Responds to Oher’s Lawsuit


Over the years, the Tuohys have given Mr. Oher an equal cut of every penny received from “The Blind Side,’” attorney Marty Singer told TMZ Sports.

“Even recently, when Mr. Oher started to threaten them about what he would do unless they paid him an eight-figure windfall, and, as part of that shakedown effort refused to cash the small profit checks from the Tuohys, they still deposited Mr. Oher’s equal share into a trust account they set up for his son,” he added.

Singer further charged that Oher had been dropped by other lawyers until he “found a willing enabler and filed this ludicrous lawsuit as a cynical attempt to drum up attention in the middle of his latest book tour.” More

62 Comments on Tuohy Family Responds to Oher’s Lawsuit

  1. Well Loco, I don’t know what the adoption laws were back then in Mississippi….I do know that I have a friend who adopted his “surprise” daughter when she was 28 years old…So, when you described that you can’t adopt an adult, you’re wrong….Every time I type at you I just kind of feel like I stepped in dog shit, so I’ll quit…..When you start you’re RDS worship, then I’ll be back with your verbatim quotes…

    How’s your FAA fining Trump for taking off in his 757 in Des Moines working out?….schmuk

  2. ya know what freaken hilarious about this shit show. All the woke Libs are pissed as hell at Sandra Bullock. They’re demanding she return her Oscar. To damn funny. These people really don’t have two functioning brain cells.

  3. I want to Plow Sandra Bullock.
    Don’t care about the Oscar and have seen sections of the movie nut never end to end.
    I kept falling asleep.

    Looks like there was something to the Dilbert Cartoon Guy’s argument which essentially may have been, “Don’t interfere in Black peoples lives” but worded very badly.

  4. Kcir

    Hey, the womenz at Home Depot love me. Last Saturday me and the wife went to pick up some more lumber and one of the check out girls say, Killer Arms. So I was always taught to be polite and reciprocate, so I said Nice Tits. You would have thought I insulted the hell out of her.

  5. Brad,

    I got Richard Gere salt & pepper Hair. (No faggotism)
    Lots of hair. Sometimes 1980’s just for the hell of it.
    My wife gets SO PISSED OFF when the girls at the Beer Pub hang around after mountain Biking.
    The customers get MORE PISSED when they ignore the line and call out, Hey Rick what are you having today.

    I’m a legend in my own mind.

  6. “I’m a legend in my own mind.”

    Me too. The trip before that one the check out girl asked if we needed any help loading. I said No, I’m old but I’m spunky. She says, dude your buffed, looks at my wife and says, your a lucky lady. My wife, Oh brother, please don’t get him started. I bring it up to her hourly. LOL

  7. I got my drivers license renewed a couple of years ago and the picture taker lady said I looked like Jeff Bridges in True Grit…..I said thanks….not bad for a one eyed fat man…..

  8. You don’t understand what your yapping about. But I’ll leave you with this. Beer is actually the best post work out drink there is. Of course unless you lift at 5:30 am like I do.

  9. Agreed joe6, I never said otherwise.
    After exercise your body needs glycogen and beer can help that since ABV is generally 5-8% compared to 40% for tequila.
    The alcohol will work against the liver in releasing glycogen so the lower ABV, along with the ingredients in beer will make it a far more refreshing drink.

    Plus the pure volume of additional fluids to replace those lost make it a better choice post workout…

  10. Loco. why are diabetics warned not to drink alcohol. I can tell you if you don’t know the answer. I tried to correct a miss statement by you, but you wouldn’t listen. As usual. To busy talking.

  11. Oher was a highly-compensated national football player making his own (very many) millions. Something’s not right about his situation. Is he broke? Is he underwater on some “investments”? And the Touhys are not offering any more info than absolutely necessary; I imagine because the details might be quite embarrassing to Oher. That’s my hunch, anyway.

    Oher insists there wouldn’t have been a “Blind Side” story without him, but it’s unlikely he would have been in the NFL without the Touhys.

  12. One of those Peter Sellers type jokes.

    “Does your dog bite?”


    “Nice doggy (dog bites his hand)

    I thought you said your dog does not bite!”

    “That is not my dog.”

  13. I found this on craigs list…. it’s a one owner….Loco Blanco Saltine typed…..”Trump also needs to realize he’s no longer president controlling the airspace so I bet when the FAA fines that pilot $100 Grand that will put an end to that shit right there.
    Of course they could also do a surprise inspection on Trump aircraft and ground his fleet.
    My guess is DeSantis would get the last laugh about that.”….

  14. Um, s’cuse me, guys… Abigail Adams and I are trying to stay on topic here…

    Never read the book or saw the movie but this is a sadly true tale without a happy Holywood ending. I did read and highly recommend “Confederacy of Silence” by Richard Rubin, which I think runs parallel to this scenario and offers some insights into the multilayered targets here: individual responsibility and charity, race in America, and southern football culture.

    Oher never had a chance w/the life he was born into. The Tuohys gave him a chance –and a family. Chances are complicated and families are dysfunctional. You still take them and you still love them. Most of us don’t have to do it under the scrutiny of fame, which keeps it bearable. I wish them all well and I wish the media vultures would leave them all alone.


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