Turkey army group announces takeover on TV – IOTW Report

Turkey army group announces takeover on TV


NTV television read a statement it said was from the general staff of the army saying: “The power in the country has been seized in its entirety.”

A Turkish presidential source told Reuters news agency that the statement was not authorised by the army’s military command.

There are reports Turkey’s top general, General Hulusi Akar, is among those taken hostage at the military HQ.

Mr Yildirim told NTV by telephone: “We are working on the possibility of an attempt. We will not allow this attempt.

“Those who are in this illegal act will pay the highest price,” he added, saying it would not be correct to describe the move as a “coup”.

He said: “There was an illegal act by a group within the military that was acting out of the chain of military command. Our people should know that we will not allow any activity that would harm democracy.”

Traffic has been stopped from crossing both the Bosphorus and Fatih Sultan Mehmet bridges in Istanbul.

There are reports of gunshots in the capital Ankara. Other reports said soldiers were inside buildings of the Turkish state broadcaster in Ankara.

Gunfire was also heard outside Istanbul police HQ and tanks are said to be stationed outside Istanbul airport. All flights are cancelled, reports say.

Visiting Moscow, US Secretary of State John Kerry said he hoped for peace and “continuity” in Turkey.


27 Comments on Turkey army group announces takeover on TV

  1. From the AP News Wire: “Butterball executives recalled after hours to address “Turkey Army Group” possible coup.”

    Initial response from the executives is from an unnamed source who offered only, “They said ‘Turkey!’, dammit’, if they had said “Turkish Army Group” we’d still be doing hookers and blow. Where did these fuckers learn to write?”

  2. @willysgoatgruff: What do you mean, Turkey and the coup? Only pigeons can make a coup. Turkeys get gobbled up, don’cha know?

    P.S. – Country music’s not my forte.


  3. I sure hope they succeed as erdogan has been attacking a secular Turkey and moving toward sharia and full islamism. They’re NATO partners as well.
    The military coup in Egypt turned out better than the Muslim brotherhood, much to Obama’s dismay. Hopefully this will turn out similarly.

    As for you, Vietvet, I totally didn’t get it at first and since you fooled me, I’m going to find a way to mess with your giblet gravy. BwaaHaaaHaaaHaaa.

  4. Glory Glory! The Sultan Tayyip has jailed so many of the Army secularists, held with no charges, I didn’t think there were any left to revolt.
    Over 250 journalists jailed for 2 yrs and longer with no charges.

    This Pisslamist Caliph needs to go and stay gone. Firing squad would be good.
    Obozo is probably wringing his hands and peeing his diaper as we read.
    Godspped Turkish Army.

  5. @vietvet. I’m thinking we split a bottle of bourbon instead. Your giblets would be so nasty tasting after that there’d be no use dressing you out.

    Plus we’d forget why we’re there.

  6. Obummer and crew caught off guard.

    LOLZ when the Hell have they ever been on guard?

    Can’t reach a friend in infidel Izmer or a friend in Ankara. Looks like social media and some e-mail is shut down. Hope these very secular ladies are safe.

  7. TheMule gets it.
    He’s a big player in our coming election also. He has everything on Hillary, and several of his people in Trump’s inner circle.
    Turkey made a big mistake crossing him in favor of the Muzzies.
    Until we have a real man in the White House he is going to have to keep doing all the heavy work.

  8. Last I heard, the coup wasn’t going well. I was hoping that the Turk military would throw Erdogan’s ass out and put an end to his Islamist overreach. Might not happen, tho’. :^(

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