Turkey Frying Burns Down $3 Million Mansion – IOTW Report

Turkey Frying Burns Down $3 Million Mansion


Fire destroyed a $3 million Connecticut mansion Thursday after residents fried a turkey in the garage, officials said.

Firefighters were alerted to the blaze at about 3:40 p.m. EST by an automatic fire alarm on Weston Road in an upscale neighborhood, the Weston Volunteer Fire Department said in a statement. More 911 calls soon followed. The mansion was found engulfed in flames, the fire spreading from the garage to the rest of the house by the time firefighters arrived. More

34 Comments on Turkey Frying Burns Down $3 Million Mansion

  1. Most likely the Turkey was partially or fully frozen.
    It never ceases to amaze me on how foolish these wealthy and extremely wealthy people can be. I would think they could do a little research before deep frying a frozen anything inside the home or garage.

  2. Proof that money can’t buy intelligence.
    I guarantee they overfilled the fryer with oil and it overflowed when the turkey was lowered into it. They panicked and dropped the turkey all the way in. The wave of oil splashed over the flame and caught fire. It then flowed down the slightly sloped garage floor under a vehicle (probably an EV) or against the wall.

  3. I borrowed a fryer from a friend to cook a wild turkey I had bagged.
    I made sure I was out in my yard and away from anything of value.
    The oil was really expensive. I couldn’t get it to reach the temperature where the instructions said. I ended up overcooking it.
    Just use the oven…

  4. Jethro

    I used one once. It was a train wreck. But even though it was raining and low light conditions I used it out in the backyard far away from the house. What were these people thinking?

  5. We fried a Turkey ONCE. That was enough to realize that the Turkey fries for a really long time, and cooks unevenly. But by then, we’re starved and don’t really care about eating burnt Turkey. Thank God for beer!

  6. There is place here where you just order a fried turkey if you want one and go pick it up. As far as that goes Door Dash will probably deliver it. Seems like a lot less trouble than setting up to fry a turkey.

  7. Peanut oil. Dry the turkey off before putting it in the pot. 375 degrees and put the turkey in for about 45 minutes to an hour. Inject the damn thing with Italian salad dressing first. Take the turkey out of the refrigerator a in the morning and let it come to room temperature before frying it. The hell is so hard about that?

  8. GM – You sound like my grandfather. While we all ate turkey he had a steak. He couldn’t tolerate fowl. He’d plucked enough of them to earn the right to be sick of them!

  9. I’m guessing that’s a great honor, Harry. And I am a grandfather of three beautiful kids. And, I’ve had enough tryptophan to last a lifetime. Turkey is old hat. Hell I’d rather eat raw tuna, Dungeness crab, Pacific mussels, oysters, sockeye salmon and razor clams on Thanksgiving than turkey. Oh God, I’d rather have that all the time! Clams clams clams. There’s nothing better on the planet. I need a drink. (Sorry about that.)

  10. @JDH,
    peanut oil is damn expensive. Always combined canola and corn oils and watched the fryer so it wouldn’t exceed 350degrees.

    But the trick may be to use avocado oil, at least in combination. It’s smoke point is over 500F !! And it’s essentially tasteless.

    We use a hypodermic to put great flavor into the turkey.
    Cajun spicy, garlic/EVOO/sea salt, or clarified butter/sage.
    Always drew raves.

  11. GM – Our family likes turkey and my wife makes a good one, so I like it, but I’m with you on the other stuff including a good autumn clam bake!

    Hear’s a neat shot of Buffalo Trace to you!

  12. First off, I don’t like turkey enough to shell out bucks for a fryer, oil, etc. Second, no matter where the fryer was placed, I’d be a nervous wreck all Thanksgiving day, worrying about someone getting burned, whether the turkey is completely cooked, and third, I don’t like the idea of making a deep fried turkey the focus and centerpoint of conversation for Thanksgiving day.

    CW at Dailytimewaster has a RecTec smoker and he made some compelling posts and pictures of smoked turkeys. I could go for that.

  13. Seems like a typical Demwit move for a person with progressive pedigree -try to fry a turkey in their garage. Not smart.
    OR…the owner might be in debt and the 3 million dollar mansion was underwater. Living beyond his means – slick solution, “accidently” burn down the money pit. Might be difficult to prove arson.

  14. I have always test filled the fryer cord and and I he bird in place so I don’t overflow. if you don’t remember Archimides you end up screaming more than Eureka when the bird hits the oil.

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