Turkey is weaponizing refugees – IOTW Report

Turkey is weaponizing refugees

Patriot Retort: Boy some things never change.

Europe has been threatened by the Turks for over a millennia.

And this week, Turkey issued a new threat to its European neighbors. If Europe does not bend to Turkey’s demands, they will flood Europe with Muslim refugees.

That sounds less like a “refugee crisis” and more like an invasion.

Today, Turkish Interior Minister Suleyman Soylu said, “If you want, we could open the way for 15,000 refugees that we don’t send each month and blow the mind [of Europe].” [hat tip Yahoo News]

If you’re weaponizing “refugees,” how is this not an invasion?

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9 Comments on Turkey is weaponizing refugees

  1. Well, the US finally has a President that could call Turkey out on this. Tell them that if they try that they’re out of NATO and trade sanctions with the US will commence. I don’t think Ergodan and Turkey will have too much to do with Iran as both want to be the Caliph and may be more likely to have at each other.

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