Turkey Relocation Project – IOTW Report

Turkey Relocation Project

Moorhead, Minnesota, has about 75 wild turkeys who have become a nuisance. The city was offered various solutions, like getting locals to stop feeding them or hunt them. The city council went with option three, trap the animals and ship them off to South Dakota. More 

12 Comments on Turkey Relocation Project

  1. That’s the same thing they do with hookers in bethesda….they haul them to d.c.
    Demoncrats always wanna put off their problems with the homeless on somebody else.
    Turkeys are not migratory birds. This is a clear violation of their civil rights!
    Undocumented fowl……Build the wall!

  2. Turkeys cross the road in single file, I’ve had to stop more than once to let the turkeys cross the road. And they do fly or glide or both, it’s actually pretty cool to watch them fly. And I once saw the guy in front of hit a turkey on a road in N. Idaho and the guy behind me stopped and threw it in the back of his P/U truck.

  3. Wild turkeys can fly. They are not the same sub-species as the domestic turkeys you see on farms, which cannot fly.
    Turkeys can fly short distances in order to escape danger, cross barriers or roost in trees. They don’t fly for general transportation purposes like crows or geese do.
    They taste good too!

  4. Last Summer one of our guys had a turkey fly into the windshield of his truck going 70 mph about 20 mi. W of Spokane on I-90 as he was headed back into town. The turkey completely destroyed the windshield shattering all the safety glass and he had a heck of a time getting the rest of the way back into town safely. It was a great big bloody, feathery mess when I saw it the next morning. We never had wild turkeys around here when I was growing up back in the 50’s – 70’s but since they were reintroduced into the woods around here the damned things are everywhere with some of them even living in the city and with stupid people thinking that they’re cute and feeding them so much so they’ve become pests.

  5. Bob M. February 14, 2019 at 5:08 pm

    As GOD is my witness… I THOUGHT turkeys could FLY… 😆

    Turkey’s can fly – wild turkey’s that is. I’ve seen them up 75 ft in pine trees. We have them here and I feed them. They love corn. They aren’t very good tasting, they have a real gamey taste to them and their meat is tough.

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