Turkish Police Block Access to NATO’s Incirlik Air Base – Home of US Nukes – IOTW Report

Turkish Police Block Access to NATO’s Incirlik Air Base – Home of US Nukes

SputnikNews: All inputs and outputs to the Incirlik Air Base located in Adana have been closed as Turkish Minister of European Affairs cautions that it is just a “safety inspection” while local newspapers speculate that a second coup attempt may be underway.

Some 7,000 armed police with heavy vehicles have surrounded and blocked the Incirlik air base in Adana used by NATO forces, already restricted in the aftermath of a failed coup. Unconfirmed reports say troops were sent to deal with a new coup attempt.

According to the Turkish Minister for European Affairs, Omer Celik, this is just a routine “safety inspection.” Hurriyet, by contrast, reports that anti-terror police received reports of a second attempt by Gulenists to overthrow the Erdogan regime.

Incirlik Air Base, located in the province of Adana, is a critical NATO base in Turkey. The US maintains 50 to 90 tactical nuclear weapons at the base.  MORE

17 Comments on Turkish Police Block Access to NATO’s Incirlik Air Base – Home of US Nukes

  1. So Turkey has surrounded a NATO base with 7,000 troops.
    Inside the base are 65-90 of our tactical nukes.

    This is one of those times when you really, REALLY want a grownup in charge.

  2. Another example of this administration’s foreign policy acumen. If we lose Turkey, as we did Libya, then NATO loses a strategic airbase. Another win for Obama.
    Som tin wong, wery,wery wong.

  3. So, we just sit and wait. Do a Berlin Air Lift if necerrary for supplies and personnel. Then, just like the Iranian Embasssy crisis, comes a change in US Presidency from lilly livered Catah (O’Bozo) to Reagan (Trump), the Turks will be changing their tune.

  4. I know, because I keep getting told by the MSM, that the world absolutely LOVES Barky and as a consequence ‘respects’ the USA more than before, but can someone please list what true allies, if any, the US has left ??

  5. Get the frigging nukes out of there. That base and our service members have been held hostage since the first takeover was attempted so where is public outcry? Obviously our own government thinks it’s more important to oversee the NBA’s boycott of State than put that tyrannical Turk asshole on notice. Fuck Turkey….they have not been an ally for years and the country will be another Syria soon.

  6. I’ve wondered for awhile if something like this was going to be used by obutthole to get advanced nukes into the hands of his moslem pals. Want to take bets on how long before this happens?

  7. Pull our people out and set off the nukes in place.
    Make it clear that if a single finger is raised against the action that the nukes will be disbursed to Turkish government facilities prior to detonation.
    Then notice how many decades go by before any other government tries interfering with one of our bases.

  8. We went down this road before with the Turks back in ’74 with the whole Cyprus gig so I think we know the dance steps. I wouldn’t be surprised if we haven’t already quietly moved them out of there. Further, with all the blather confirming nukes (when we have a long history of neither confirming or denying their presence) with a bomb count as well leads me think they may have moved them out along time ago. All the bennies of the rattle without the worry about the saber getting rusty or stolen.

  9. Now we know the details of the deal Obola made with Erdogan.

    Erdogan gets to be Caliph and the nukes will counter-balance Iran.

    Assad and the Kurds will calm the fuck down while ISIS becomes Erdogan’s SS.

    izlamo delenda est …

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