Jihad Watch:
The Turkish DNA Project, an online endeavor to track Turkish genetics, is enraged at the popular genealogy site Ancestry.com and has called for it to be boycotted for stating an inconvenient truth: many, and possibly most, modern Turks are the descendants of the Greeks who once formed the overwhelming majority of the population of the land that is now Turkey. In this as in so many other instances, the truth hurts, but that doesn’t make it any less the truth.
Greek City Times reported that the Turkish DNA Project tweeted: “AncestryDNA prioritizes to demonize the Turkish people and delegitimaze [sic] their presence in Turkey rather than giving information about the genetic structure of the relevant population.” The Turkish DNA Project called upon “all Turks to boycott this company: Ancestry.”
After Greek City Times called attention to the tweet, the Turkish DNA Project took it down, but it still has up a retweet calling for a boycott of Ancestry.com, as well as a tweet fulminating with incandescent rage against Greek City Times’ Athens Bureau chief Paul Antopoulos, whom it calls a “white supremacist.” Very original line of attack you got there, guys. MORE
Gus Portokalos : Put some Windex…
…on that hurt butt you stupid turk
Gus Portokalos : There are two kinds of people – Greeks, and everyone else who wish they was Greek.
Gus Portokalos : Where are you going?
Toula Portokalos : I’m taking a pottery class.
Gus Portokalos : Ah! The Greeks invented pottery. Hmph.
That’s what they get for renaming Constantinople. Eh, this’ll cheer em up.
Greeks are a proud warrior race. They’ve given so much to Western civilization. Turkey used to be a Christian country. Sad to see it overrun by cowards that would bow down to that fraud Al Uh.
I bet the Greeks are not too happy about this either.
But at least they can eat pork & drink wine & ouzo, which is why they are usually in a happier mood.
Turks committed the Armenian Genocide.
That’s all I need to know about them.
How do you boycott your own DNA?
I find this trivial, therefore, I chuckle.
Now I can sleep better knowing some people have to scour the countryside to find reasons for complaint.
Turks, the bastard children of Greece Christians. HA !
So. the ancestors of Greece are the perpetrators of the “Great Crime,” that is, the Armenian genocide that took place under Turkey’s Islamic Ottoman Empire, before, during and after WWI. Out of an approximate population of two million, over 1.5 million Armenians died.
If early 20th century Turkey had the apparatuses and technology to execute in mass—such as 1940s Germany’s gas chambers—the entire Armenian population may well have been annihilated. Most objective American historians who have studied the question unequivocally agree that it was a deliberate, calculated genocide by Turkey.
Regardless of Turkey’s ancestry, their action in the late 1800s and early 1900s remains a heartless and murderous shame heaped upon the rabid killing dogs of muslims.
of Turkey.
Genocide Plain and simple. Turkey has refused to acknowledge their horrendous actions of eliminating well over a MILLION and one half of Christian Armenians.
“How do you boycott your own DNA?”
Sodomites, trannies, and perverts do it all the time.
“My Big Fat Greek Origins”.
Islamic rage boy disapproves of this post!
So that’s where the goat buggering came from?
When the establishment holds the pen no truth will be told.
Cold hard truth suck!
Heeeeeeeeeeeere’s yer crowbar!
Crowbar… whuzat for?
Itz how you separate thee men from the boys in Greece!
I am sure if they dig more, they find even worse.
Most turks resulted from Mongols mass raping Albanian nomadic tribes that were settled in Anatolia at that time. That is why Armenians, Greeks, Assyrians, and even Arabs call them “mongoloid bastards” when they refer to the turks. Safe to say everyone in the region hates them.
Reminds me of Gayle King’s reaction when told by Lewis Gates Jr that her ancestry was 30% white: “You take that back!”
Not so much that Turks are Greek, but that Greeks are Turks – in other words, they’re the same people. Just like the Jews and the rest of the Semitic race.
I believe that Ionian Greeks immigrated to the Peloponnesus from Asia Minor (Turkey) in the deep recesses of time. I think I read it in Herodotus’ “Histories” but I loaned that to my son and can’t look it up. At any rate, to look at em you couldn’t tell them apart. Turks should also have a large Persian contingent, considering that the Persians stomped the fuck outta Turkey a couple of thousand years ago. Did the Mongrels make it that far south? Pretty sure Tamerlane did, but don’t recall if the Khanate did.
If they imagined some sort of purity in their bloodlines, they’re woefully mistaken.
izlamo delenda est …
Ever heard the proverb, “Never shake the left hand of a Turk”?
…that’s because they wipe their ass with it.
And wash off with a jug of water near the squatter hole in the floor that’s kept there for that purpose.
…best not to do it. Not that they’ll give you a reason to, but keep it in mind just in case…
…also, never forget that the modern Muslim invasion of Europe started in the ’60s like MOST modern bad ideas did, when Konrad Adnauer started a Gastarbeiter program with Turks to compensate for the aging, emasculated population of Germany and also to prove they were past that whole “master race” thing.
They never got sent home.
…and here we are now..
And Greeks and Italians share as well.
Sometimes ancestry changes because of travel from enslavement and kidnapping, business, or people just wanted to get the fuck out of X country. Again, that’s just DNA. Where do you live now and how do you behave yourselves?
Oh and Jihadi/Turks, some of those Greeks were Jews. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Enjoy.
What were they HOPING for? Space aliens? 🙄
Bob M.
JUNE 13, 2021 AT 7:45 AM
“What were they HOPING for? Space aliens? 🙄”
…maybe they were hoping they were related to the flying Black people who built the pyramids and were all kaings who ruled the world in absolute justice and fairness from their Wakandan Capitol until White Supremacist led by Trump messed everything up…/s
MJA is right.
If your ancestry is British Isles, for example, you probably have Italian, German, Northern European in you. Invasions were a part of empire building in Europe for quite a long time.
Funny that people get so mad about what their dna really says.
I have an aunt who got mad at another aunt for telling her she has 16% Italian in her as they have always said they are 100% Irish.
What difference does it make?
It’s fun and interesting to know but why get mad?
Turkish muslims were hoping to show islamists are a “pure” people.
Too bad, so sad eh?
And for generations they believed they were evolved from star nosed moles! This is devastating!
25% goes to the big guy!
Soooo, when will The Young Turks change their name?
It’s like a box of chocolates……What’s worse, finding out that your part Greek, or part African. I’d take being Greek any day. Greek philosophers:
Socrates (469- 399 BC)
Plato (428-348 BC)
Aristotle (385-323 BC)
Thales of Miletus (625- 546 BC)
Pythagoras (570- 495 BC)
Democritus (460- 370 BC)
Empedokles (483- 330 BC)
Anaxagoras (510- 428 BC)
African philosophers: from the same era:
Zero listed
Greece drank from the fountain of socialism. Stupid. America is in line too.