Turley: Biden ‘Arguably the Most Anti-Free Speech President Since John Adams’ – IOTW Report

Turley: Biden ‘Arguably the Most Anti-Free Speech President Since John Adams’


Monday, Fox News contributor Jonathan Turley reacted to the Department of Homeland Security’s appointment of Nina Jankowicz to run its so-called “Disinformation Governance Board.”

Turley said the Biden administration tabbing “one of the most outspoken critics of free speech” to police what it deemed “disinformation” was “telling.” He argued that President Joe Biden was “arguably the most anti-free speech president since John Adams.”

“I think it’s telling that the Biden administration went out and recruited one of the most outspoken critics of free speech,” Turley stated on “America Reports.” read more

6 Comments on Turley: Biden ‘Arguably the Most Anti-Free Speech President Since John Adams’

  1. It’s blasphemous to mention biden’s name with the great President John Adams.

    Shitpants has done nothing but damage the world and when totalled up he will be credited with the loss of millions of innocent lives worldwide, from illicit wars and starvation.

    If not for Adams, the USofA might not EXIST! He was second only to Geo Washington in importance to establishing this country.

  2. @Turley is asshoe for this statement May 3, 2022 at 11:09 am

    > If not for Adams, the USofA might not EXIST!

    Satan thanks you, for your service.

  3. One of the first DHS’s disinfo targets should be not only the hunchbacked Hillary Clinton’s lies and stories, but also that Joe Biden denies being a white race supremacist plus being a (confirmed) associate of the kaykaykay kult and who eulogized their funerals, viz, “Exalted Cyclops” and other kaykaykay thankfully-ded members. Same goes for the Clinton Family of Race Haters.

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