Vermont Legalizes Assisted Suicide Through Zoom – IOTW Report

Vermont Legalizes Assisted Suicide Through Zoom

The Foreign Desk-

The State of Vermont has legalized assisted suicide over video chat through a bill signed by Republican Governor Phil Scott and passed by the Democrat House and Senate into law Wednesday which removes the requirement for a physician to examine a terminally ill patient in person prior to prescribing medication intended for the patient’s suicide.

Per the bill, S 74, the patient has to make an “oral request… to hasten the patient’s own death.” The request can now be made through tele-medicine, defined as “live interactive audio and video” instead of a doctor’s office or home visit. The patient must have a “terminal condition” and be informed about hospice care options.

The bill removes exposure to civil or criminal liability or professional disciplinary action for any health care professional who acts in good faith compliance with the law. read more

17 Comments on Vermont Legalizes Assisted Suicide Through Zoom

  1. …and Democrats continue to cheapen human life, with the goal of being able to take it at any time it’s convenient for the State to do so, and we just let them…

  2. …it certainly makes the Clinton’s job easier…just remember it’s a very small step from being ALLOWED to suicide to being REQUIRED to suicide, ask Erwin Rommel, et. al., how that works…

  3. …by the way, it’s not hard to kill yourself, if you sincerely want to. If you’re gonna go out by your own hand, at LEAST don’t die a chickenshit and have someone else actually pick your poison. Ain’t gonna give no details because that’s backfired on me before, but let’s just say I haven’t seen any shortage of people who took themselves out right proper, no doctor required but maybe some fluid containment bags will be…

    …oh, and that Zoom call won’t square things with God, who likes to think HE numbers your days, not you. Sorry. Suicides are quite likely to get the Southbound And Down for their demonstrated lack of faith and deliberate destruction of the temple of the Holy Spirit.

    Whatever problem you think you’re running from with suicide is temporary. The hell you may buy yourself with suicide is permanent.

    Just saying.

  4. I cannot envision anything going wrong.

    “Press 1 if you would like to die.”
    “Yes, I would like some pie. Preferably cherry.”
    “You selected that you would like to die in a hurry. Please stay on the line until our Mengele technicians arrive shortly. You are also automatically registered to vote Democrat.”

  5. …it’s become quite common for folks to be murdered by hospice these days anyway. Inconvenient folk who have been talked into not fighting for their life any more are simply given higher and higher doses of a respiratory depressant that also causes unconsciousness like morphine “because they might be in pain”, until the dose gets high enough to stop respiration and there’s no attempt made to save them because, hospice, and being rendered unconscious they can’t even vocalize a decision they may want to make at the last minute to NOT be shuffled off this mortal coil big-time.

    …so, that’s an option for quietly dying, if you’ve a mind. Doctors offices nowadays even have disgusting posters ENCOURAGING it.

    …so if you wanna go wrecked, go wrecked. These traitors to their oath will certainly help you with that.

    Just keep in mind that once you’re there, they don’t really want you hanging around too long, just long enough for your fam to sponge minute quantities of coffee into your mouth so you lack nutrition and hydration to make you fade quicker so they can put the morphine to you sooner, and the decision is out of your paralyzed hands at that point.

    So you get to go painless and assisted, if that’s what you want, to the extent starvation and dehydration are “painless”.

    But you still need to consider what happpens after.

    “To be, or not to be, that is the question:
    Whether ’tis nobler in the mind to suffer
    The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
    Or to take arms against a sea of troubles
    And by opposing end them. To die—to sleep,
    No more; and by a sleep to say we end
    The heart-ache and the thousand natural shocks
    That flesh is heir to: ’tis a consummation
    Devoutly to be wish’d.

    To die, to sleep; To sleep, perchance to dream—For in that sleep of death what dreams may come,

    When we have shuffled off this mortal coil, Must give us pause,

    there’s the respect, That makes calamity of so long life”
    William Shakespeare, Hamlet

    …what dreams may come indeed.

    Good luck with that.

  6. Liberals and RINOs love it when other people die. The more deaths for any cause or reason, the more they love it. They will engineer millions more deaths than usual over the next few years, I believe.

    Goddamned evil bastards.

  7. A very sinister attempt to play God. Keep in mind that satan the creature is super-jealous of the Mighty God, with the creature-enemy doing everything in its (limited) power to shake its fist at God and His creation.

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