Turns out everything I ever did my whole life was racist – IOTW Report

Turns out everything I ever did my whole life was racist

American Thinker-

By Alexander Nussbaum

It started as soon as I was old enough to form memories.

My mother took me to see Gone with the Wind, in the early 1960s, when it was still playing in first run theaters.  A Confederate as the hero!

Disney’s animated features from the past are now recognized as racist.  Bugs Bunny, Tom and Jerry, The Three Stooges, all racist!

In my college years, British comedies began being popular in the Colonies.

Considering how advanced Europeans are compared to guns and religion, you would think these shows at least would be empowering of the masses.  But sadly, turns out my favorite, Fawlty Towers, was as racist as any.

In the 1980s, I watched The Dukes of Hazzard.  That alone is enough to inspire people to join the Ku Klux Klan, or so I heard.  read more

14 Comments on Turns out everything I ever did my whole life was racist

  1. @Billy Fuster

    I used to watch the Dukes of Hazard so I’m worse.

    I keep lying to myself by saying it was for Daisy’s legs and the Charger, but we all know it was the Flag on the roof that kept glued at 12 years old and growing up a foreign Country.

  2. “Racist” is meaningless.
    It’s been so abused and overused and misapplied that it no longer means anything other than “I don’t agree with you!”

    Starve people to death (Armenians, for instance) based on some misguided notion of “race” and you ARE a racist.
    Put people into ovens (Jews, for instance) based on some misguided notion of “race” and you ARE a racist.
    Deport thousands of people (Cherokees, for instance) based on some misguided notion of “race” and you ARE a racist.
    Deport millions of people (ethnic Germans living in the USSR, for instance) and stealing their homes and businesses on some misguided notion of “race” and you ARE a racist.
    Enslaving millions of people (Slavs, for instance) on some misguided notion of “race” and you ARE a racist.

    Using Aunt Jemima syrup doesn’t compare or compute.

    Most of the people who bandy the word about have no conception of what real, honest to goodness racism looks like. Yeah, negroes were enslaved – BY OTHER NEGROES – who sold them to the Portuguese for transport across the world. The Spanish enslaved the Central and South American Indians on account of their misguided notion of “race.” But even these people never resorted to genocide as a solution to some imagined “race” problem.

    REAL racism is an ugly phenomenon and if it doesn’t result in some aspect of genocide, it could actually be anything from xenophobia to some kind of cultural disposition.
    Race baiters need to get a grip.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. No one has a problem with Wok Hay, my Chinese coolie puppet. Hell, some guy on the zoom call wanted me to set Wok Hay up with his chinese girlfriends puppet.

  4. Sadly, my own sister and her hubby accused me of being a racist….even when I told them I preferred Ben Carson, Herman Cain or Army lieutenant colonel Allen West over Obutthole, even while all three of them are MUCH blacker than the Kenyan.

    You CAN NOT appease a liberal….short of kissing their ass and caving to their every whim.

  5. There was a late-model Dodge Charger painted like the General Lee in the WM parking lot recently, complete with southern battle flag on top.
    My first thought was, “How long before the paint gets keyed?

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