Turns Out Women’s Soccer Pays More Than Men’s – IOTW Report

Turns Out Women’s Soccer Pays More Than Men’s

Turns out this “mansplaining” is spot on.

8 Comments on Turns Out Women’s Soccer Pays More Than Men’s

  1. Yep.
    When this all came out a few years ago (granted, after the women WON the World Cup), it was revealed that the women’s team had previously negotiated higher salaries than the men’s, but that the men’s got a percentage of the take. In other words the women KNEW they brought in less and bargained accordingly. Then… they complained. And complained, and complained, until they got what they wanted.
    Key here is that they got what they wanted. So, as with race-baiting, violence-causing, etc., all of which causes economic (and physical) damage to others… if it works you keep doing it.

  2. The women also get a guaranteed salary. No soccer was played in 2020. The women got paid. The men did not.

    To reiterate what the video said, as far a “doing the same job,” the job is to make money for the league. The men do a much better job.

    Has that commentator been fired yet?


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