Tweaking Me.. They’re Tweaking Me – IOTW Report

Tweaking Me.. They’re Tweaking Me

illustr8r baits me with this video.

It depicts 2 bicyclists who are hogging the road, legally.

Tennessee says they can do this “if necessary.” Obviously the guy who hits and runs one of the bikers didn’t think their leisurely ride, side by side, was necessary.

The driver was found and faces charges.

Now, it’s time to persecute the biker, if you feel it is warranted.

42 Comments on Tweaking Me.. They’re Tweaking Me

  1. I would have done what the first guy did. The second is
    a retard and deserves what they get.
    Island speed limit is thiry five. I drive thirty, thirty above
    the speed limit.
    You’ll know I’m not texting.

  2. I already have told this story. California Passed a 3 feet rule buffer for traffic to avoid cyclists by. I swear the first day this went into effect I’m stopped at a stop light on a rural road and some asshole biker rides up and hangs on to my passenger side view mirror waiting for the light to change. So I roll down the window and ask, what the fuck? He looks at me liking I’m freaken crazy. They don’t get it and they’re all libs. Except Steven.

  3. No state should allow cyclists to “hog the road”. Notice the car drivers had to cross a double yellow line to pass.

    The main road outside my neighborhood is a state highway, but is a winding two-lane road. Double yellow lines all along the road. Blows my mind when I come upon a cyclist trying to hug the edge but we really can’t legally swerve around him (yes, it’s always a “him:).

    Bikers get what they deserve.

  4. Wow – completely intentional and I hope the Volvo driver loses big time.
    Most places it is illegal for cyclists to ride side by side and take up driving lanes, except when passing other cyclists and as needed for safety. But not enough are ticketed for infractions.

  5. Here we Have, Via De La Valle a street that connects the Beach to Prestigious Ranco Santa Fe. This is a High speed road one lane and Lot’s of Bad Corners.
    Bikers with the Volvo Shirts and Ballet Pants, try to share the road riding 2 wide while Talking and never checking their Mirrors ! They Will Get someone Killed one day. It’s a Good thing 30% of them are on Call Doctors !

  6. Do you think that dumb ass bike rider will ride single file now? I don’t, he got up too quick, it didn’t hurt enough. Another thing that irritates me, motorcyclists that ride on the center line of a two lane highway. Do they think they will win in a head on with a truck?

  7. I got my first driver’s license in Germany, in 1962. The rule at that time; if it has wheels, it has the same rights on the road as a car. That included ‘honey’ wagons, carts or wagons pulled by people or bicycles.

    When I got my CA motorcycle license at the age of 47, the safety rules; 1) if cycling by yourself, ride to the left of center of the lane you are in, so people can see you and not force you off the road when passing, by ‘squeezing’ by, and also, drivers are used to seeing that space, when they make their judgement about passing the car in front of them, so if they don’t see you, because you are on the right side of center, you both might get a surprise, and guess who will get squeezed off rode? 2) when riding by two, one to the left of the center of the traveling lane and one to the right of the center and back a little, (staggered, not parallel). Do not ride the center of the travel lane, because that was where the road was most slick, from oil leaks.

    But jerks come in and on all types of vehicles. Just watch You Tube. Cyclists must remember the most important lesson I learned from CA safety advisory: don’t be dead right.

  8. Some bint was riding her bike today taking up the entire half of the road. I beeped my horn and she didn’t move over. I had to pass the double yellow on a curvy road to get by this crunt. As I did I rolled down the window and dropped a couple of eff bombs. I can’t stand these idiots.

  9. Bike-ists suck. They could have a 100-yard wide shoulder to ride on, and those assholes would still insist on being as close as possible to the white line. It never fails. That’s what Bike-ists do. They are Grade-A douches.

  10. The driver said he never saw the rider or felt the impact. He could be telling the truth. Old guy. That’s the one factor people on bikes don’t consider, there are a lot of people behind the wheel that have no business being there. The guy on the bike could just as easily been dead.

    He was being a dick riding in the left tire track on a two lane road double yellow

  11. You guys clearly suck at bicycling. They can’t even hug the white line you have to ride in the middle of the driving lane. Eff you. We can’t complain about you but your whining now allows you 3 feet spacing. It should be 3 feet from the edge of the road, not the asshole on the bike. Learn how to peddle. In the meantime, get a trail bike or a damn stationary.

  12. The bicyclists think courtesy only extends one way. Someone needs to develop a passenger side mounted cola launcher to hose these pricks. Cola or something else sticky to make them miserable for the remainder of their ride. Become an instant youtube star.

  13. What gets me, Ohio has numerous tax payer built paved bike trails, many built upon vacated Rail road lines. In town the bike trail is about 20 yards from the road, yet many the arrogance asshole bicyclists prefer the heavily trafficked road over the bike path.

  14. I despise cyclists. When we ride our motorcycle and stop at stop signs they blow by us, running the stop. Every damn time. They think the laws of the road don’t apply to them. Blech. Worse than vegans.

  15. What do you call 100 douchebag bicyclists going over a cliff? A good start…ha ha ha :–)
    btw If you’re not a DOUCHEBAG bicyclist this joke doesn’t apply to you. Just sayin’…

  16. In “progressive” Oregon, they passed a law specifically allowing cyclists to ride side-by -side. Before the white F150 passed, did you hear the horn? Asshole still didn’t move over. And I believe the hit-and-run guy didn’t see him; only a suicidal moron rides a bike or motorcycle wearing black and grey. He was nearly invisible.

  17. We live in a Mad Max society where six year olds commit armed robbery in broad daylight and masked communists armed with AK47s roam the streets in cadres, some attempting mass murder of American politicians. Other popular figures openly encourage violent sedition without any consequences, meaning the civil authorities are not on your side.

    A Sino-Russian alignment is forming an Axis with Fifth Column Prog filth in your back yard to arm its rabid communist skunk with modernized thermonuclear attack systems to push a civil defenseless (purposeful) America either into retreating from the Eastern half of the globe, or provoke America into nuclear annihilation. Our response is to test the terminal (last ditch) warhead defense system THAAD, simulate bombing the DPRK with B1 Lancers and stationing THREE carrier strike groups in and around the South China Sea.

    If you got an EAS alert on your phone to find the nearest fallout shelter, do you know where to go?

    Yeah I know, lighten up Francis. Watching somebody hit a hated bicyclist is more fun.

  18. The other day I was crossing on a green light (riding my bike) and a woman on a cell phone making a left turn nearly ran me over. I live in a small city (10,000) in a conservative state so when I ride my bike I have to consider myself invisible or at worst a target.

  19. I have joggers going to work and then again on the way home, out in the middle of nowhere, curving country roads with no shoulder (not an exaggeration), speed limit 50. Coming up behind one of these idiots and can’t see around the curve, no idea if oncoming traffic or not, therefore I have to slow down to less than 5 miles per hour and drive behind these !@#$@#$ because they can’t move off the road. Side of the road ends – tall grass/weeds ditch begins, no where for them to go! I can’t count how many times I’ve almost hit them as I came around a blind curve at 40 (less than posted) and they’re right fricking there!

  20. I’m driving a 2-lane road today and the rain is coming down so hard I can’t see more than 100′ so I slowed to 20mph and put my flashers on to warn the guy behind me. I come up on a stupid-ass bicyclist wearing a brown slicker, no lights, no reflectors, nothing, WALKING HIS BIKE IN THE MIDDLE OF THE LANE.

    If I hadn’t been going slow already, he’d have been street pizza. Looks at me like “whadda ya gonna do aboud it?” Too much oncoming traffic and can’t see far enough so there’s no going around on the left, and he just keeps walking in the middle of the road for another ten minutes until there are probably 15 vehicles stacked up.

    When there was room on the berm I went around on his right. Nice big puddle made a 3′ wave. LOL The driver behind me did the same. Douched the douche. He was SITTING in the middle of the road when I looked in my mirror and he’s damned lucky if that’s the worst that happened to him.

    But if I hadn’t seen him and run over his stupid ass, -> I <- would have been held liable.

  21. LocoBlancoSaltine – I took the few extra seconds to contemplate your statement – during that time I recalled a post last winter where people were driving too fast for the iced road conditions and then slammed into a utility truck which did have cones out, not that far, but far enough for legal purposes.
    Okay, so how do I apply that to my condition?
    50 mph country road – poor visibility for around the curve – what if a cow or horse got loose? There have been deer on the road and I was able to slow down for them.
    Honk the horn and the animal moves.
    Jogger? No horn in the world will get them to move over. If it were a vehicle they could be fined for impeding the flow of traffic.
    I have to slow to 5 mph for far too long while the road hog doesn’t care.
    Therein is the crux of the issue.
    There are plenty of places to go running without being in the middle of the street.
    These bicyclists and joggers are intentionally creating hazardous conditions that will result in personal injury.
    There have been times when there is a jogger going in each direction.
    What if I have to swerve to miss one of these joggers and also in the oncoming lane someone in a vehicle is doing the same exact thing to miss the jogger on that side?
    The drivers are at fault for driving too fast for road conditions?
    It’s a 50 mph road!!!
    Too bad the jogger won’t survive to see us drivers ticketed or jailed so they can have a sense of justice!
    How does this make me (or anyone else here) a lefty? Typically not caring about the welfare of others is seen as a conservative trait and emoting too much is a liberal trait.
    What am I missing?

  22. Menotu, my problem is the assumptions here:
    All cyclists are liberal greenies.
    All cyclists never pay road taxes.
    All cyclists clog roads on a daily basis.
    Any cyclist that blocks your way for anything in excess of 3.5 seconds needs to be run down, and perhaps shot if the car doesn’t kill them.

    Next time your mother doesn’t get out of the passing lane in her Olds 88 fast enough, do I have the right to run her off the road?
    Hell, she is impeding my progress.

  23. The hatred and venom is what sounds leftist to me.
    It is irrational.
    It is road rage.
    It is exaggerated and over the top rhetoric like most things leftist.

    From reading these posts, it would seem it happens all day every day to the posters here.

    Irrational and exaggerated behavior is a leftist trademark.

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