Twerp know-it-all doesn’t really know it all, does he? – IOTW Report

Twerp know-it-all doesn’t really know it all, does he?

Since when is Ben Shapiro an economist?

This tweet didn’t age well, did it?

13 Comments on Twerp know-it-all doesn’t really know it all, does he?

  1. There is something about this little turd I can’t put my finger on.
    Below is from his Wikipedia: His unquestioning acceptance that this is the “Alt-Right” and all Trump supporters is steeped in his hatred for Trump. Let them all burn, right?

    Target of antisemitism
    In May 2016 New York magazine reported: “Shapiro […] has increasingly found himself targeted by the so-called alt-right movement, a loose conglomeration of online personalities—many if not most of them anonymous—currently devoted to tweeting and posting their support for Donald Trump and attacking those who disagree, often in racist and anti-Semitic ways. They have been denigrating Shapiro as a ‘pussy,’ a ‘cuck,’ and — inevitably, given the nature of this movement — a ‘Jew’ and a ‘kike.'”[46]

    In an article in National Review, Shapiro wrote: “I’ve experienced more pure, unadulterated anti-Semitism since coming out against Trump’s candidacy than at any other time in my political career. Trump supporters have threatened me and other Jews who hold my viewpoint. They’ve blown up my e-mail inbox with anti-Semitic conspiracy theories. They greeted the birth of my second child by calling for me, my wife, and two children to be thrown into a gas chamber.”[47]

    An article in The Washington Post quoted an Anti-Defamation League report that “focused in particular on the anti-Semitic tweets aimed at journalists, frequently those whose writing about Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has displeased a large contingent of Twitter users who band together to attack these journalists online. The words most commonly found in the bios of the people who post these anti-Semitic attacks [were] ‘Trump,’ ‘nationalist,’ ‘conservative,’ ‘American’ and ‘white.’ … The target of the most anti-Semitic tweets, by far, was Ben Shapiro, a conservative writer who formerly worked for Breitbart and who does not support Trump.”[48]

  2. Yes, but when Trump’s threat of tariffs against the EU produced positive results in the trade war, little Ben quickly tweeted, “Good Trump.”

    Ben is also apparently a cyber security expert. Not long ago he wrote a column claiming that the DNC giving the FBI a mirror drive of their server was sufficient and it was totally unnecessary for them to actually get their hands on the server.

    But here’s what Tony Shaffer tweeted about that:
    Speaking as someone who did active cyber ops for a living, there is no real analysis possible unless the server – physically – is examined – an “image” examined by a private vendor is not valid: Crowdstrike Analyst worked for Mueller: … via @gatewaypundit

    But I guess little Ben knows better than everybody.

  3. Shapiro understands the macro part of trade up to a limit, but not the full implications. Lowering tariffs is good for consumers in the importing nation, but if the tariffs are applied unfairly the protected industry benefits at the expense of the trade partner.

  4. The media is well known to be owned by the joos. The media is in he crosshairs of Trump. The media is the enemy.

    Therefore, it’s only natural, given the state of social media, that anti-Semitism rears its ugly head.

    I read it in comments continuously and yes, it has gotten worse in recent times. The joos (I spell it just as I find it) run the media and financial institutions. They are being targeted as being rabid globalists. Considering the small territory they occupy as a religion or race, it’s understandable why they’re globalists. Unfortunately, this doesn’t fly in the era of MAGA.

    If Benny doesn’t like the vitriol being thrown his way, he better get on board the anti-globalization Trump train. He won’t though, because he’s a sheenie joo!

  5. There’s no secret, method or complexity to Ben’s fluctuating “conservatism”.

    Plain and simple, he’s a capitalist, who’s profiting from a niche sector, NeverTrumper who uses the anti Semitic victims card against antifa and alt-right (whatever the hell that means).

    He’s really no different than Glenn Beck or Mark Levin. They amassed a huge conservative following, but when Trump came along they denounced him…. until their revenues tanked.

    Ben is past his expiration date. Oh, he tiptoes in and out as the “victimized Conservative Jew” amongst the Dark Web (Sam Harris, J Peterson, Rubin, Weinstein, Rogan) for the occasional debate, and then trolls Trump supporters with a vengeance, and claims his 1st A is under attack.

  6. Calling Ben a Never Trumper is silly – and simply indicates that you argue from an Always Trumper skewed mindset.

    I love the fact that Trump is president, because of the policies he is rightfully focused on putting into place to help the country instead of himself – just like Ben does.

    Nobody is perfect – and calling out what you think are bad moves doesn’t mean you ‘hate’ the target of your criticism.

  7. “Ben Shapiro is controlled opposition, just like the rest of the fake conservative Dark Web bozos.”

    Educate yourself before you post stupidity. Ben is one of the ‘few’ conservatives in the group you seek to label as ‘fake’ because you possess maybe half the IQ of any of the members in that group.

    Almost all of the ‘Intellectual Dark Web’ members are liberals.

    Note: I like how you left out the ‘intellectual’ part of the groups moniker so you could pontificate that they are all bozos.

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