Twitter Adopting New “Hate Speech” Suppression Policy – IOTW Report

Twitter Adopting New “Hate Speech” Suppression Policy

Is it just a coincidence that Twitter had 5% of its stock purchased by an influential Saudi and now we see Twitter rules that sound an awful lot like it’s positioning itself to scrub “hate speech” directed at Islam?


Image by BFH


This policy applies, but is not limited, to: Hate speech or advocacy against an individual, organization or protected group based on race, ethnicity, national origin, color, religion, disability, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, veteran status or other protected status. ACM: Note that this prohibition expressly goes beyond “hate speech” (which itself is an absurdly subjective term), additionally banning “advocacy against” people or groups based on, among other things, “religion” (as well as “other protected status” — who knows what that means?). In essence, it is not different from Resolution 16/18’s prohibition of speech that could “incite” mere “hostility” to religion — i.e., anything that could cast Islam in a bad light, regardless of whether it is truthful. If they try to tell you this is just about banning insulting cartoons and patently derogatory statements, don’t buy it. This is about permitting only speech that conforms to the government’s official, smiley-face version of Islam.

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ht/ fdr in hell

8 Comments on Twitter Adopting New “Hate Speech” Suppression Policy

  1. Sorry, but this person is a top notch eejit. Since when on Twitter does anyone have to be subjected to the rantings and ramblings of anonymous trolls in numbers that make it “not fun”? Each tweeter sees only the tweets on the Twitter homepage of those they follow, and if tweeters have lives away from Twitter, then they won’t even see many of them unless they go looking.

    And even if there is just ONE troll that drives you so insane you can’t sleep, you can a) cry like a bitch and pretend to quit Twitter a la that chick in the voting booth who molested her sister; b) realize that you just aren’t being nice enough, and should help them find a decent job; c) block them FFS; or d) find a social media platform in some echo chamber that won’t make your precious ears (eyes) bleed.

  2. I bet you can criticize old white men, Christians and God all you want with no censorship though, right?

    freakin morons.

    apparently words and ideas kill, not men.

    quick, lets ban all free expression of thought because it might harm some poor little minds psyche.

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