Twitter Allows Tweets Disparaging Blacks as Long As It’s Left on Right Epithets – IOTW Report

Twitter Allows Tweets Disparaging Blacks as Long As It’s Left on Right Epithets

Yeah, Twitter can screw with me. It’s their platform and they can abuse conservatives. But I have this site.

Downtrend called out the person below, KrissyKakes for a vile public tweet she made @ Mrs_Pinky85

Who is Mrs_Pinky85?

She’s just an independent thinking black woman on Twitter who happens to believe in conservative principles, and this KryssiKakes took it upon herself to write a vile tweet, disparaging her with an epithet meant to be every bit as hurtful as “the n word.”

This was her reply:

 Apr 26

When is this going to end, this carefree abuse of black people by people who have absolutely no fear of retribution? Certainly there must be a price to be paid for being publicly abusive, no?

There are tons of people calling out KryssiKakes, so many that she locked down her account. If this many people can recognize how abusive this tweet was, why can’t Twitter? Does this not create an “unsafe environment” for one of its users?

Maybe it’s because


If KrissyKakes is not banned from Twitter what else can the explanation be?

Twitter, through inaction, endorses the use of epithets toward black people. It can’t be any plainer.


16 Comments on Twitter Allows Tweets Disparaging Blacks as Long As It’s Left on Right Epithets

  1. this is the way new scientologists from london act, ignore it and it will go away. it did everyone a favor and locked it’s account, and now it can live in it’s own hate filled existence and nobody cares. see, when they get called out they lock their accounts and run away and hide. typical children.

    bye felicia

  2. How long is the twitter Heaux going to be in hiding?
    Good point, BFH. Twitter is racist. I guess we came full circle with White Democrat racists. They’re just doing it with the help of their social slaves: Democrat blacks now.

  3. Think about the mindset of someone like her who sees it as her obligation to step in and point a black person back to their proper place, and that place is with the left.
    Hope others beside’s Pinky see through this condescension.

  4. BFH is exactly right with the Twitter is racist scree. It goes well beyond Twitter as the Kanye is suffering mental problems,etc.shows. The biggest problem is when you try to identify this to the liberal left, they shut you down. I’ve always noticed the left leaning sites quite often allow no commenting so you can’t point out their bias or when they do they have their supporters overwhelm you with the opposite view to yours. That’s why sites like this are important

  5. K-heaux@KryssiKakes. Or, as stands out to me, KKK if you delete the lower case letters. Perhaps unintended irony, but given the elitist nature of white liberals, perhaps not.

  6. Listen, THIS is what lib-tards DO, its what they’ve been doing for decades, they lie, shame, manipulate, attack, vilify, discourage, yet at the end of the day its always the same, they’re insecure little petty bitches who somehow don’t feel right unless they’re attempting to control other peoples lives, the opposite of us on the right, we accept anyone whose willing to work, and respect others, and keep shit REAL!
    Nothings changed with them in decades other than a whole lot of people are seeing through their plantation mentality and pettiness and are slowly coming over to our side!
    I don’t like Kanye, or his “music”, but that’s me, I won’t attack him because I don’t like his music! I’ll throw some Motown on the turntable a listen to what I like, classic rock, classic country, classical music and Motown!
    Fuck ’em!
    It goes back to the meme we used here years ago:
    If a conservative doesn’t like guns, he or she simply doesn’t buy one, liberals go opposite and try to ban them! Etc.!…That applies to EVERY possible subject since its really not the subject at all, its their lack of control over others! And it drives them batshit crazy we won’t comply! Again, fuck them!
    Its always about them trying to control others and tell us how we should live our lives, according to their beliefs and philosophy…FUCK that and FUCK them! There’s NOTHING they won’t do, say, or write, if it attacks us, true or not!
    They have no shame or dignity so seriously, folks, who gives a shit!
    We create OUR OWN sites and do the same to them!
    That’s it!
    NO ONE likes to be censored, its goes against the grain of our strongly held beliefs, Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Association, when they censor us, we KNOW immediately we’re on the right path!
    We have to create our own platforms to counter their crap, its the only way we win, bring people into the Light with truth and facts!

  7. I ask my wife about such things as Twitter and invariably her response is: Don’t worry about it honey, your old, that stuff is for kids.

    From what I learn of it, she is right.

  8. @mickey moussaoui, your comment is perfect. That totally sums up their attitude.

    KryssiKakes the Kowardly Heaux couldn’t take the heat and locked her account. Hit and run. Typical lib.


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