Twitter Censors one of the most cited epidemiologists and infectious-disease experts in the world – IOTW Report

Twitter Censors one of the most cited epidemiologists and infectious-disease experts in the world

Can you imagine the gall and balls and chutzpah on these leftist assholes at Twitter, people who have zero expertise on anything but what they do at Twitter, keeping important information from the masses because they, personally, don’t agree with the point of view?


Harvard Professor Martin Kulldorff and co-creator of the Great Barrington Declaration, one of the most cited epidemiologists and infectious -disease experts in the world (latest count of citations: 25,290) has been censored by Twitter. His tweet on how not everyone needs a vaccine against SARS-CoV-2 was not taken down. He had a warning slapped on it and users have been prevented from liking or retweeting the post. 

Keep in mind, too, that Dr. Kulldorff serves on the Covid-19 vaccine safety subgroup that the CDC, NIH, and FDA rely upon for technical expertise on this very subject..


15 Comments on Twitter Censors one of the most cited epidemiologists and infectious-disease experts in the world

  1. Good grief, my head hurts. My husband has signed the Great Barrington Declaration as he is a Pediatric Infectious Disease physician. Children do not need to get the vaccine–period. You’ll notice that the “warning” uses the word “most” so they don’t believe everyone should get it either.

    Yesterday, an article on here used the word “entropy” which is defined by a “gradual decline into chaos” I think we are in whatever is a free fall decline into chaos.

  2. This is straight up out of the progressive playbook. History documents the methods used by the National Socialists in Germany, Maoists in China (including from w/in our own State Department) and the Bolsheviks in the USSR. It is absolutely unequivocal that the progressive movement was supporting them with money and ideologically as both rose in stature and consolidated their power right on through Operation Barbarossa. Those are only the best known examples

  3. ^^^. Bad plan.
    Leftist news outlets often run in a deficit, monetarily, in order to control speech.
    Boycotting will do nothing.

    Just letting them do what they want is a terrible plan.
    They must be defeated by allowing them to censor until the squish democrats “get it.”

    The more the stories like this mount up, the more likely society does something about it.

    When the right oxen get gored we will have movement.

  4. Corky, it’s interesting that your husband is a Pediatric Infectious Disease physician. Speaking for myself, I hope you post other other thoughts and observations from him. The Great Barrington Declaration doesn’t get the publicity it deserves.

  5. I’m hoping Twatter and Fakebook go the way of MySpace.
    The people who run them are really into becoming tech oligarchs.
    I feel like we’re living in a dystopian SciFi Channel movie.

  6. @Joe6pak—he is a brilliant man but sometimes his verbiage is over my head! I’m not sure you want his thoughts as he enjoys the lecture format. He is retired now but was the best pediatrician I worked with. (I’m a retired pediatric nurse practitioner).
    Would love to see more written on the Barrington Declaration.

  7. Corky, I hope you two are enjoying retirement. Feel free to put any additional comments in laymen’s terms. Sometimes I think I’m pretty smart, that is until I come up with someone that really is pretty smart.

  8. Please pray for my leftie wife. She just received her sacramental vaccine. She’s over 60 and has 3 comorbidity factors.

    Yes, I tried to talk to her about it. She’s lost.

  9. The one most important reason that the minority left is able to do what they’ve done is because they either,don’t work, giving them time to spread this bs, or are employed by leftest organizations that pay them to produce the propaganda that is fundamentally changing this country.
    Conservatives don’t want to, nor do they have the time to spread such foolishness.
    They’re busy raising a family, taking care of parents, building businesses, putting food on the table without government help, etc.

  10. @Corky

    If you and your husband have the time, pls opine on this Geert Vanden Bossche interview. I follow Bret Weinstein and Heather Heyer, who’ve provided unbiased opinions on various researchers/vaccines etc. and they are beginning to put a lot of stock in Vanden Bossche’s concerns. Vanden Bossche is certainly no anti-vaccine alarmist. Quite the opposite. He worked w/Bill/Melinda Gates org, but even he is sounding the alarm bells and warning the deployment/use of these vaccines are of such a critical nature to the extent of human extinction.

    Note, this site appears to be posted by an anti-vaxer? I’m not familiar w him, but he even implores others to share the video outside his channel so as not to assign Bossche’s alarming call to action w/conspiracists.


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