Twitter Co-Founder Puts Company in Buy-out Mode – IOTW Report

Twitter Co-Founder Puts Company in Buy-out Mode

Breitbart: After plunging to an all-time-low in June, Twitter’s rise to $19 per share on rumors of a buy-out picked up credibility this week when its co-founder said the wilting social network company must ponder options, such as a buy-out.

Twitter jumped 4.5 percent after  co-founder Ev Williams told Bloomberg TV on Wednesday that the company has to consider all of its options, especially when it is in a “strong position.” Williams was asked on Bloomberg TV whether Twitter was a takeover target.

At first Williams tried to avoid the topic, but then went on to acknowledge that the company must ponder alternatives, which would include a merger or acquisition.

“We are in a strong position right now,” Williams said. “As a board member, we have to consider the right options.”

Breitbart News reported in June 2015 that the termination of Twitter CEO Dick Costolo, who won high praise for not knuckling under to Leftists’ social networking “thought police,” would be a disaster, especially with the company on the verge of profitability.

But then Obama campaign cash bundler Chris Sacca led a Board of Directors coup d’état to fire Costolo, who “proudly worked on President Barack Obama’s campaign as a Telecommunications, Media, and Technology advisor, a speaking surrogate, a field office volunteer, and as Co-Chair of Finance and a Trustee of the Presidential Inaugural Committee.”

Twitter began a purge of conservatives that muzzled free speech. Despite enjoying a lift from Republican Donald Trump, who has been using the social media platform as his political firehouse, Twitter monthly average user growth died. Over the last 14 months Twitter’s social media user rank dropped from number three to number nine.


7 Comments on Twitter Co-Founder Puts Company in Buy-out Mode

  1. Twitter and FB are for kids, just like Trix. I am disappointed in people such as Lou Dobbs, who I love, asking me to tweet him on Twitter and Like him of FB. Just use a plain internet where you don’t have to register with one of the childish social media sites.

  2. ” Twitter began a purge of conservatives that muzzled free speech. ”
    MUZZ ?>> any guesses who’s buying it, just like Rupie sold Fox out to prince Ali bin Wallywhatever

  3. Suffering the same fate as FoxFire (or whatever that browser), when they fired their CEO for making a donation to a conservative cause.
    May they both go bankrupt quickly.

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