Twitter does nothing about Kathy Griffin calling for the murder of Trump – IOTW Report

Twitter does nothing about Kathy Griffin calling for the murder of Trump

The Right Scoop-

Last night Kathy Griffin posted a death threat for Trump Twitter, suggesting someone stab him with a syringe full of air in order to kill him:

Syringe with nothing but air inside it would do the trick.


— Kathy Griffin (@kathygriffin) May 26, 2020

Geez, Griffin is completely off her rocker.

Twitter has done nothing.

ht/ bad brad

36 Comments on Twitter does nothing about Kathy Griffin calling for the murder of Trump

  1. Twitter files 10k’s and you can’t lie in them.

    I’m quite sure it has a section on what’s allowed on their platform. And i’m quite sure that its a lie. They allow liberals to say anything and ban conservatives for hurting someone’s feelings. That is their real set of rules and i’ll bet 100 dollars it says something else in their 10k. And that would be a crime. A crime that their are not being held account for.

    iow, it’s just another example of the fucking republican pieces of shit who run the sec, doj not doing their job for us. I hate those bastards so much it sucks to even think about them.

  2. She’s threatened the Presidents life multiple times. She’s had one visit from the SS. Now she’s giving advice publicly on how to kill a sitting President with lots of enemies. And Twitter is facilitating her. This wack job needs to be locked up. Where is the SS? They should be there already. She’s past Cray Cray.

  3. The sight and voice of Dana Perino is starting to nauseate me the same way that Kathy pic does. Was said here long ago to beware that little midget. She and her hubby have been milking Docs Across the World and getting free cruises and food and meals and transport trips and all that jazz. Plus huge Tax Deductions for Charitable tanned travel works to offset that Fox Salary.
    She’s a Nicolle Wallace Bushy. The pieces are spread across multiple networks. Just be aware. Always remember that.

  4. Whatever happened to being visited by the secret Service for threatening the President? Or does that not apply to Republican presidents who the left hates. I hate double standards and I despise the left. She should be on her way to a federal prison even as we speak for threatening the President.

  5. Leave it to “Mud Flaps” Griffin to go completely beserk and once again threaten President Trump. She should be considered the poster skank of Trump Derangement Syndrome.
    The Trump administration is being lenient, because they probably think she’s mentally ill. She may never be procecuted. She would just declare an insanity plea and claim Trump drove her crazy.

  6. This ugly scrunt has ALREADY got a visit from the SS because of her posing with trump’s severed head and a bloody knife.

    I remember that after the SS visit she ran away to europe where she spent a few years crying into her cornflakes that trump has ruined her because she cannot get “work” anywhere and nobody wants to pay to listen to 24/7 TDS that she pretends is “comedy”.

    2nd time you advocate killing a sitting president of the USA should carry automatic jail time with forever being labeled a dangerous felon, banned from ALL electronic communications within CONUS, have her citizenship revoked for life and then be deported for life with the understanding if she EVER sets foot inside the USA again it will be as a criminal illegal alien facing a life sentence in a federal supermax, or death by lethal injection… whichever will shut her up quicker.

    She is nothing but pure hate & evil and should be treated as such.

  7. Its 4:01 pm, I skipped breakfast & lunch, because of the type of people at the drive in only, and that picture has just pushed dinner back by 2 hours.

  8. From the measure with which you judge you shall also be judged-

    Jesus said that. Not me, Kathy.
    So- does that mean that anytime someone disagrees with you they can pop a needle full of air into your arm??? Kathy???

  9. @geoff the aardvark May 27, 2020 at 3:20 pm

    > Or does that not apply to Republican presidents who the left hates. I hate double standards and I despise the left.

    Don’t worry! It’s just innocent hyperbole. There’s still only one standard. This is as real as Republican pol’s “demands” to “lock them up”.

  10. @BobM: “15 Irish Secret Service agents with billy clubs, could do wonders for her” it would definitely improve her looks. The only two in contention for the ugliest award are Sandra Bernhardt and Rosa DeLauria. Google them if you dare.

  11. Liberals have both condoned and encouraged violence against America lovers for over 60years.

    Cal had a violent, brutal thug that lead his “Goons at the Gate” in attacks on America lovers withe their ” F U C K !” signs 56 years ago. The Press said Mario’s thugs were “peaceful protests”!

    Cal thinks so highly of this violent anti American that 25 years ago they named a well know place after him –
    Sproul Plaza was renamed – ” Mario Savio Steps”!

    If you read my statement carefully you will note that the America haters have lied about anti America violence. Mario was as peaceful as the A bomb!

    I think Brad may be familiar with the Gate’s proper name.
    If anyone cares ask me and i will inform.

    Hating America has been “fashionable” for the Press (nowMSM) for over 65 years. Same o same o!

    I am old!

  12. I got kicked off Twitter for life by suggesting a female liberal try sex with an AR-15, and put a rubber on the end of it so she won’t get pregnant. This is after she claimed 2A supporters have sex fantasies with their firearms.

    There will be justice in the world when God smites all liberals.


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