Twitter Game Right Now – Make a Quote Whiny – IOTW Report

Twitter Game Right Now – Make a Quote Whiny

My contributions-

“Maybe I’ll return, maybe I won’t.” – Gen. MacArthur

“Ask not what your country can do for you, just give us your money already.” JFK

” Did I not tell you we were going to need a bigger boat?” –  Brody


46 Comments on Twitter Game Right Now – Make a Quote Whiny

  1. Everyone goes a little mad sometimes.
    -Norman Bates, Psycho

    Whiney Psycho:
    Everyone goes a little mad sometimes and it makes my butt hurt so bad ’cause it’s mean.

  2. Spartans! Lay down your weapons!

    “Come and get them…or if it’s better for you, we could bring them to you…actually, that’s probably best…we’ll just wrap them up so no one gets hurt with the pointy ends and be right there.”


  3. Obi Wan never told you what happened to your father…it’s complicated, harsh words were spoken, feelings were hurt, actually, I, I was really, really hurt. This is going to be hard for you, but I’m here with a hug, Luke, I am your estranged father…please don’t hate me, I didn’t even know you were alive, Come here, together we can bring an end to this silly little tiff and bring sunshine to the galaxy.

    Darth Vader

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