Twitter Goes After Sites That Saves Politician’s Deleted Tweets – IOTW Report

Twitter Goes After Sites That Saves Politician’s Deleted Tweets

Twitter already shut down the U.S. sites in June, now they are aiming at sites all around the globe.

Twitter, dedicated to allowing politicians to rewrite their own history.


Facebook Blocks Job Reports Related to Immigration

An informed debate over immigration requires data and analysis about its effects. Only with information from a variety of sources can Americans try to understand our current policies, assess proposed changes, and judge candidates for political office.

That is why it is so disturbing that Facebook, owned by immigration-expansionist Mark Zuckerberg, has banned four reports published by the Center for Immigration Studies pertaining to jobs and immigration.

The Center became aware a week ago that these four reports were blocked:

When a Facebook user attempts to post or message these reports, a message appears stating, “Your message could not be sent because it includes content that other people on Facebook have reported as abusive.”

13 Comments on Twitter Goes After Sites That Saves Politician’s Deleted Tweets

  1. Well Boo frickin’ Hoo! It’s like the policy is REALLY saying ” Your personal expression doesn’t fit with the rest of the ca- Muuuuuuunity, so it has been rejected”.

  2. I heard FAKEbook is taking down that Melissa SweetCakes page because people are complaining it’s a hate page. That is just wrong when a bunch of snow flakes can get that done and FAKEbook is wrong

  3. Twitter won’t be around long I suspect. It’s losing a pile of cash every day as well as real users. The advertisers aren’t getting anywhere near the activity they were promised and as a result Twitter has to lower their rates. Facebook looks like it’s doing better but from what I can see of these rosy revenue and profit (the infamous EBITA) they haven’t yet issued a dividend payment. I wonder if an accounting magician is running that groups financial reporting as a lot of reports are showing Facebook losing users, advertisers and of the users still on board they are visiting less frequently. Policies like censoring their applications won’t win them any friends or new users.

  4. ” … includes content that other people on facebook reported as abusive. ”
    riiiiiight, and just what NGOz might that be,HMMM

    la raza, maldef, casa de ‘merica, astlan, reconquista, and !Yeb

    and from the Center for Immigration Studies :
    ” Apparently, Facebook considers the Center’s jobs reports to be “hate speech”, which they define as “Content that attacks people based on their actual or perceived race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, sex, gender, sexual orientation, disability or disease is not allowed.” It is unclear how these specific job reports violate Facebook Community Standards. “

  5. “Imagine how nerve-racking — terrifying, even — tweeting would be if it was immutable and irrevocable?” Twitter reportedly told the OSF. “No one user is more deserving of that ability than another. Indeed, deleting a tweet is an expression of the user’s voice.”

    Yeah, imagine that someone would actually have to be accountable for what they say!!!

    And that last sentence is SUCH a contrived load of bullshit, more of that flowery language that so appeals to idiots when they try to start a “discussion” (whose end result is predetermined) out of nowhere.

    I’m freaking about to burst through the ceiling. This REALLY pisses me off–and I don’t love saying that word.

    SCREENSHOTS people, SCREENSHOTS. Make them. Share them. Spread them. Keep them.

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