Twitter Removes Policy Forbidding ‘Misgendering’ or ‘Deadnaming’ Transgender Individuals – IOTW Report

Twitter Removes Policy Forbidding ‘Misgendering’ or ‘Deadnaming’ Transgender Individuals

Daily Fetched: Social media platform Twitter has removed its Policy against the “targeted misgendering or deadnaming of transgender individuals” following a series of conservative accounts suspended for “violating” its rule.

The term “Deadnaming” is used by the LGBTQIA+ community to describe a person’s given name being used after they have begun identifying as another gender (under a new name.)

Since 2018, the Twitter policy has designated using a person’s given name after transitioning or intentionally “misgendering” as a form of harassment agaisnt transgender individuals.

However, on Monday, Twitter announced that it would only place warning labels on tweets deemed “potentially” violating its rules against hateful conduct.

In the new policy update, Twitter also deleted the line against “deadnaming” from its rules.

Under Twitter’s previous Policy, tweets deemed in violation of such rules were removed, and in many cases, accounts were locked or suspended. more here

5 Comments on Twitter Removes Policy Forbidding ‘Misgendering’ or ‘Deadnaming’ Transgender Individuals

  1. I would like someone to explain why I should join Twitter. To me, Twitter seems like a bunch of people gathering in a public park and just shouting at each other. There seems to be very little dialogue, and even if you have a humorous take on things, if someone (usually a liberal) is offended (which is often and generally unpredictable), the “tweeter?” will frequently be subjected to abuse, kicked off the platform, cancelled or all of the above. I don’t see the reason to participate in a platform peopled with too many perennially indignant individuals.

    I don’t see the point in following anyone – I really don’t care about Madonna or the Kardashians. I suppose I could see the allure of Twitter if you just like pissing people off – and there’s nothing wrong with that. But if there’s another beneficial reason to join this platform, please let me know.


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