Twitter Shadowbanning Begins To Clear Up – IOTW Report

Twitter Shadowbanning Begins To Clear Up

My timeline on Twitter is filled with people reporting that their shadowbans seem to have miraculously lifted.

I’ve been shadowbanned on Twitter for “at least” the last 3 years, but probably for 6.  All of my agitprop imagery about Obama was autoposted to Twitter, and I’m sure that thrilled Jack Dorsey and his band of vindictive left-wing misfits.

It was only 3 years ago that I noticed I hadn’t picked up a follower in years. It was like I didn’t exist any longer. (This was right around the time when it was clear that the right was beginning to kick ass on Twitter. But we’re all paranoid to think that Twitter maliciously did something about this red wave .)

This past month I’ve gained 1000 followers. I went to this link–> typed @bigfurhat, and sure enough, the shadowbanning that Twitter says never existed isn’t there any longer.

So, do the math. I gained no followers all during the period the Shadowban testing site said I was ghosted. I gained 1000 followers in a month and the test site says I am no longer ghosted.

Hey Twitter, you’re actually going to claim that the shadowban is a figment of our collective imagination?

I know many hate Twitter, but we are hanging in there because it is extremely important to dominate the culture war on that platform. We don’t get a fair shake in the MSM, so we have to make our own news source, and Twitter, let’s face it, has a massive reach.

This was good news today, and I am positive it’s because of the threats our president delivered to Jack Dorsey, saying he was “looking into” doing something about their unfair business practices.

Many have said “it’s a private business, they can do what they want.” Yes, yes they can, but when I signed up, where in their terms of service does it say they reserve the right to manipulate the user experience based on my political beliefs?

They also accept money from people looking to boost their presence and then they are quashed with their algorithms.

Don’t roll over and die. Fight for what is right.


21 Comments on Twitter Shadowbanning Begins To Clear Up

  1. I don’t think it was the “looking into unfair business practices” that prompted the change. It was the “Very Anti-Trust Situation” the got their attention. Unfair practices is bad but somewhat nebulous. Anti-trust penalties come with treble damages and sometimes corporation dismemberment.

  2. If they’re taking money, but treating the customers differently, and it doesn’t say they do this in their terms of service, Twitter wouldn’t be handed a jaywalking ticket.

    Anti-trust is far more devastating in terms of the future structure of a company, but it would also end up in courts for longer than Twitter will be in vogue.

  3. My ban has been lifted, too.

    “I know many hate Twitter, but we are hanging in there because it is extremely important to dominate the culture war on that platform. We don’t get a fair shake in the MSM, so we have to make our own news source, and Twitter, let’s face it, has a massive reach.” – BFH

    EXACTLY! That’s why I have hung on for the last few years. I know that I don’t make a big splash, but I do what I can.

  4. What about failbook? I just went to share a post from here and this popped up:
    “User opted out of platform: The action attempted is disallowed, because the user has opted out of Facebook platform.”
    Did you do that?

    NO, I DID NOT! -bfh

  5. The day before P.Trumps last rally I made a comment here that P.Trump would go with a mention of Anti Trust directed at Facebook,Twitter and Google, if you have been following his tweets and comments you could see it coming and sure enough out it came at the rally.
    Just the threat of it should be enough to start to bring in line, if not I hope the DOJ goes thru and breaks them up,something has to be done.
    They are already trying to skew the 2018 election.
    Glad you are back on Mr.Hat
    Did they restore all of your art work?

  6. RottyLover, I think of it like one of those one-armed bandits, much like the fb page. Who knows what’s going to turn up, in what order, and when it was posted v when it’s shown.

    I ran with it very well for an entire day a few years ago. It’s like you have to be in the zone, plus have a bit of time to stay on top of it. I don’t have the time or necessary mental bandwidth to get into it like some do. Some of you guys are real pros at it.

  7. I hate to be paranoid, but:
    It’s a weekend reprieve.
    And as we let up, because “Twitter has reformed itself”, we will see Twitter tighten the screws back down in time for the election.
    These people are dishonest Leftists, after all.

  8. I’ve taken a social media break of sorts. I post positive stuff occasionally about Trump’s economy in hopes of enlightening my lefty BFF. I hadn’t gained a follower in a looooooooong time but am not sure it was shadowbanning or my lack of interaction. I know when I tweeted something Trumpish it never would get retweeted or liked. It just seemed like I was alone in the twitterverse.

  9. riverlife_callie September 1, 2018 at 5:28 pm

    Jack’s due to testify before Congress next week. My bet is this is why the shadowbans have been lifted.

    If so, what a gift of proof to his accusers.

    It’s amazing how far these idiots can get being so dumb about the obvious.

  10. I used to make a snarky comment or play a twitter game and my tweet would be rewteeted 50 times in 10 minutes.
    Now I play one of the games, make a comment, and it sits there like a lump.

    Let’s see what happens now, now that this site says I’m not shadowbanned any longer.

  11. Thanks @Dadof4! 😘

    OK, I’m now getting notifications from Twitter that so and so just tweeted something. I just got a like from @RosalindJ-thanks! This has not happened in a looooooooong time-so that’s weird. More proof that they have unplugged the pipeline?


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