Twitter Thinks the Federal Government Uses Hate Speech – IOTW Report

Twitter Thinks the Federal Government Uses Hate Speech

American Mirror

The federal government, U.S. Supreme Court, and lawyers across the country use the word “illegal alien” to describe immigrants who illegally enter the country, because that’s the definition in the law.

But Twitter makes its own laws, and the social media giant is now blocking folks from promoting any messages with the phrase, which its moderators apparently consider “hate speech.”

“1/ Twitter is not allowing us to promote any tweets including the phrase ‘illegal alien(s)’, citing it as Hateful Content,” the Center for Immigration Studies posted to Twitter Tuesday. “However, ‘illegal aliens’ has been used in both federal law and by the Supreme Court.”

Twitter rejected a total of four ads from the Center but provided only vague reasoning for the decision.

“We’ve reviewed your tweets and confirmed that it is ineligible to participate in the Twitter Ads program at this time based on our Hateful Content policy. Violating content include, but is not limited to, that which is hate speech or advocacy against a protected group,” according to a notice posted on the CIS website.


Cowardly New World.

8 Comments on Twitter Thinks the Federal Government Uses Hate Speech

  1. Let’s call them “Undeported” aliens (Invaders) or “Soon to be Deported” aliens (Invaders).

    PDT– while were on the subject, when are you going to stop the welfare checks, Sec. 8 housing and all the other freebies they’re getting and start mass deportations? It’s been almost two years! Maybe start with Santa Ana High school– 99 percent hispanic!! WTH!!!

    @ Anonymous, I was typing while you posted. “Invaders” is definitely spot on!

  2. It’s like these people have never picked up a book and read any history. The similarities between these creeps and the controllers of the past communist regimes are striking.

  3. All of the open boarders crowd need to be checked for purity…

    Do they lock the front door to THEIR house at night?

    Do they actually HAVE locks on their front doors?

    Do they advertise that they are pure as the wind driven snow on the top two questions>

    Are those adds posted on FB and Twitter and the Mexico city newspaper?

    Until they can PROVE they are pure then every time one of these hypocrites say anything about not liking the “illegal Alien” phrase they should be pelted with garbage.

    MSG Grumpy


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