Twitter User Asks “Do you condone this behavior?” – IOTW Report

Twitter User Asks “Do you condone this behavior?”

There is no context, but it’s clear that this is a political fight. So, there must be some identifying marking on the filmer’s vehicle indicating they are a lefty.

I think if you flit about town, flaunting your political choices for all to see, you should expect some “feedback.”

Do I condone this behavior?

I wouldn’t act that way, but I wouldn’t dissuade him from shouting his opinion, either. As long as there are no threats of violence, I think it’s perfectly fine to rebut someone’s public pronouncements.

19 Comments on Twitter User Asks “Do you condone this behavior?”

  1. Not too long ago i called someone a fucking idiot after he sat down next to me and told me “I’m a republican but I don’t support Trump.”

    Needless to say it went downhill from there, with no physical altercation fortunately.

  2. We’ve been cheated, insulted, persecuted, slandered, made fun of, and they cheat and steal our elections. They’ve taken one of your most sacred rights away from us. The sanctity of our vote. Did the really expect us to lay down and roll over? Not only am I OK with it I encourage it. Also I encourage every one here never to use the word Democracy again. Use the word Republic.


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