Two Charged After Woman Crawls into Suicide Box to End Her Life – IOTW Report

Two Charged After Woman Crawls into Suicide Box to End Her Life

The Telegraph

An American woman has become the first person to die through the use of a “Sarco suicide pod”.

Two people were arrested on charges of assisting her to use the unapproved, Dutch-made device, Swiss police said on Monday.

The 3D-printed capsule, invented by the controversial assisted-dying activist Dr Philip Nitschke, is designed to kill its occupant by starving them of oxygen as it fills with nitrogen gas.

It is not compliant with Swiss law, according to the country’s interior minister, who said on Monday that it “does not meet the requirements of product safety” and that such use of nitrogen does not comply with chemical regulations in Switzerland.

On Tuesday, Swiss police said they had arrested two people for aiding in the death of a US woman in a woodland area in Schaffhausen, a northern town near the German border. More

9 Comments on Two Charged After Woman Crawls into Suicide Box to End Her Life

  1. Suicide is not painless. I don’t care what anyone says, it is not a victimless crime because the living still has to deal with death of the person who commits suicide. I have lost too many friends and acquaintances to suicide over my 71 years. It should never be that bad that you lose all hope and kill yourself ever.

  2. In Navy bootcamp one of our fellow recruits attempted to commit suicide during the night in the head by slashing his wrists with a razor blade. Fortunately, someone found him, and he was saved in time, but it was a very bloody mess in the head. The next day our very pissed off company commander gave us all a very graphic demonstration of how to cut your wrists properly if you attempt to kill yourself. You don’t slash across the wrist you slash down the vein and you will bleed out. I never forgot that demonstration and I still wonder whatever happened to that other recruit who attempted to commit suicide.

  3. geoff the aardvark
    Thursday, 26 September 2024, 20:42 at 8:42 pm

    …I would be reluctant to give flippant suicide advice for the same reason I wouldnt give arson suggestions, althogh I know something of both.

    Because some fool will ignore your intent and take your “advice”.

  4. “does not meet the requirements of product safety”. The inventors need to go back to their drawing boards and come up with a safe suicide box that meets the strict Swiss safety laws.

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