Two Good Reasons To Bar Mail-In Ballots – IOTW Report

Two Good Reasons To Bar Mail-In Ballots

The American Spectator

If you are queasy about entrusting the U.S. Postal Service with a vastly expanded role in our electoral system in the midst of a crucial election, the following news will exacerbate your nausea.

Last Friday, the National Association of Letter Carriers (NALC) followed the lead of the American Postal Workers Union (APWU) by endorsing presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden. Thus far, most objections to increasing the role of the USPS in the election process involve the inevitable logistical problems that will accompany a precipitous expansion of mail-in voting. The addition of overt partisanship among postal workers to inefficiency renders it obvious that the widespread expansion of vote-by-mail is dangerous. More

13 Comments on Two Good Reasons To Bar Mail-In Ballots

  1. It isn’t “mail in voting”
    It is mail out ballots.
    When you vote absentee ballot, you have to request the ballot.
    Mail out voting mails out any number of ballots to supposedly qualified voters.
    So far, any of the democrat primary mail out voter schemes have returned at least 10% unqualified addresses.
    The system of mail out ballots is rife with corruption inways that even democrats have yet to see.

  2. The mailed out ballots will have ‘metered postage’ printed on them for the return postage. That mens they will not be ‘cancelled’ by the post office; they will just be received. That means there is no way of telling when they were return posted. Remember the ‘franken maneuver,’ where they found ballots in the trunk of his car, and then accepted them? They’ll just keep ‘finding’ ballots until they get what they want.
    That is what is going on in nyc with the months long, still unresolved, primary vote there. The vote that the msm news won’t cover.
    Also- I’ve read that the bar codes on the ballots will also include either a ‘D’ or an ‘R.’ Why, I don’t know, but I’m sure they have a reason for that.

  3. The only reason the smellocrats want
    vote by mail as well as in person voting
    is to commit election fraud

    Just like Al Franken did by

    ” harvesting ”

    supposedly uncounted votes
    which was nothing but FRAUD !

    If the smellocrasts can find a way to cheat
    they will always claim its legitimacy.

    So much for the character of the

  4. the BIGGEST reason … that no one is talking about … is the fact that you must identify yourself somewhere on your ballot so it can (supposedly) be authenticated.

    get it??? this NULLIFIES the secret ballot! they know who you voted for

    I believe every state guarantees a ‘secret ballot’

  5. “National Association of Letter Carriers (NALC) followed the lead of the American Postal Workers Union (APWU) by endorsing presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden. ”

    Great. The bulk of the people handling the paper just admitted they have a stake in the election and a guy they want to see win.

    And we’re supposed to pretend they won’t execute on that?

    Anybody can look at color coded maps of previous election results. If you’re a letter carrier in a red district and you think Joe is ‘da man, those ballots have NO need to get back to the sorting center.

    Postal workers are just like cops, military, medical workers, and protesters. They are us. Just regular folks drawn from gen pop. All the niceties and all the foibles. Except the hardcore leftists. They’d drown their mom to get Trump out of office. And brag about it.

  6. I remember driving on our trip and on the border of North Dakota and Montana and wondering, where do these people vote!?

    Can someone educate me? Meaning how far does the average person, farmer rancher or other, DRIVE after work, or before work, to vote?!

    IF the weather is reasonable no less??

    I walk to my voting booth.

  7. I just got this text:

    “This Election is critical and America needs your help. Request a ballot NOW:”

    WTF. Why can’t I just go vote? Who in Hell is

    This is going to be the last election, isn’t it?

  8. Thirdtwin:

    “Ladies and gentlemen, we’re in a storm, we’ve got two engines out (Congress and the Fourth Estate), we’re at 1500 feet, we’re leaking fuel and the nearest airport is 70+ miles away. Please return your tray tables and seats to the their upright position and assume the crash position. Thanks again for flying The United States of America.

  9. @Ghost. They vote at townships. there are quite a few in each county and they may have to drive 10-15 miles or so to vote but they do it ‘cuz they are the heart of America.


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