Two Insufferable Leftists Start Their Own Podcast – IOTW Report

Two Insufferable Leftists Start Their Own Podcast


What is it with the entertainment industry giving radio and podcast gigs to people who should have shut up years ago? In what is probably another sign of the apocalypse, two of the more insufferable lefties in American history are teaming up for one podcast series.

Former President Barack Obama and “Glory Days” singer Bruce Springsteen have launched a podcast titled “Renegades: Born in the USA.” Yeah, how’s that for obnoxious? More

It makes sense really, one wrote a song about being “Born in the USA” and the other one wasn’t. – Dr. Tar

34 Comments on Two Insufferable Leftists Start Their Own Podcast

  1. Ignore the asshats and hopefully they’ll go away. Consider that leftist loonies have tried to get shows onto talk radio and have failed MISERABLY!!! Same thing will happen here! ;^)

  2. ““Renegades: Born in the USA.” Yeah, how’s that for obnoxious? ”

    …well, as for “Born in the USA” as it pertains to “Obama”, you spelled “Fraudulent” wrong…

  3. This supports my suspicions: “the Boss” is at the least a swith-hitter.
    The bands that the record companies gave him always had some stellar musicians. But he couldn’t play guitar, his voice sucked, and on his early recordings this ‘poet’ would mispronounce his own (supposedly) lyrics.

    I surmised long ago that he was promoted so heavily because some exec at Columbia had a ‘special relationship’ with Brucie .

    That he’s now besties with Barki only supports my theory.

  4. …but they are, indeed, “Renegades”…


    a person who deserts and betrays an organization, country, or set of principles.
    “an agent who later turns out to be a renegade”
    fifth columnist
    having treacherously changed allegiance.
    “a renegade bodyguard”‘

    …yep, that be they…

  5. @ TRF FEBRUARY 24, 2021 AT 1:25 PM

    If you want to see a documentary of what is going on inside 1600 Pennsylvania Ave just watch the documentary the morons put together on that fiasco. It is called Left of the Dial

  6. Speaking of Air America – expect this latest attempt to play out exactly the same way:

    “The problem is that filmmakers Patrick Farrelly and Kate O’Callaghan decided to focus on Air America as a corporate entity rather than as a national phenomenon. While they were documenting the rise of Air America last year, they found themselves in the middle of a financial story involving the backers, bounced checks, and the possible demise of the network only weeks after it began. We see the stunned Air America staffers, still waiting for paychecks and health insurance, reacting to the news, and we see regimes change.

    At the time, it was a scandal that led to lots of late-night interoffice histrionics, just as it fed the contempt of conservative talk hosts. But at this distance, now that Air America has snagged about 50 affiliates across the country, it all seems irrelevant. Like so many media brouhahas, it’s ultimately of interest only to those who went through it.”

    They imploded very shortly after a version of this horseshit was printed in each and every paper in the country aid financial scandal and acrimonious finger pointing. Fucking progs couldn’t figure out how to pour piss out of a boot with the instructions written on the heel.

  7. And of course Air America was involved in ripping off a legitimate charity.

    The network was financially troubled, however. A scandal involving nearly $1 million in loans from a Boys & Girls Club in New York secretly transacted by Evan Cohen came out in 2005 and was a source of negative publicity. The loans were repaid, but in October 2006, mounting debts forced Air America Radio to file Chapter 11 bankruptcy. The company was bought by New York real estate investor Stephen L. Green and his brother Mark J. Green, who purchased the network in March 2007 for US$4.25 million.[4][5]

  8. China Virus Dems Cheated 2020 Election Fraud
    FEBRUARY 24, 2021 AT 1:51 PM
    “Will they be taking calls? That might be fun…”

    …sure they’ll take calls. But not all of them will be aired.

    …but all of them WILL Be recorded.

    By the FBI.

    …and traced, too.

    …expect a no-knock criticism by heavily armed “editors” just before dawn one day soon after…

  9. The girls in highschool used to have an absolute fit because I referred to the asshole as Bruce Shitstain. I couldn’t imagine list3ening to him pontificating for a couple hours and as for the Dog Eating Kenyan Crackhead, I have always him to be insufferable

  10. I am a podcast fiend. It takes a special talent to produce an ear-worthy podcast.
    After seeing and hearing these two over the course of my life, they don’t have it.
    This project will slink off into the night like, Barry did after he visited the bath houses on the downlow.


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