Two More and He Would Have Gotten a Turkey – IOTW Report

Two More and He Would Have Gotten a Turkey

I’m sorry for this title. No, really. I don’t like this story. The man is an absolute moron and he belongs in jail.


Lisa Kroll went to feed her horses last summer and found a grease-spotted bowling ball on the floor of her barn and a hole in the ceiling.

Out in her pasture she found her 5-month-old horse dead with a lump on its head. Now, a man from Spring Valley, Wisconsin, faces charges of unsafe use of a homemade cannon and endangering Kroll in the incident.

19 Comments on Two More and He Would Have Gotten a Turkey

  1. Evidently the news is so abundant it’s difficult to report a 4th of July incident in July, or even summer for that matter. $4000 to repair a bowling ball size hole in the roof? Sure, if you patch it with GOLD! $10,000 for a horse? I’ve seen ’em sell for $25 at auction. WTF, the prices and time are way off.

  2. That’s no different than firing a real cannon ball. An act of war, not a funny hobby. It might be different if he studied trajectory and insured that the projectiles came nowhere near the extent of his property line, and stayed within view to verify that no living thing were in the landing area.

    Drunken idiot. They should sentence the guy to being shot out of a cannon at that same distance.

  3. Rat Fink, he might not survive that, so that might be too cruel of a punishment. How about they give him a catcher’s mitt and stand him out in the pasture until he catches ten consecutive bowling balls fired from his own cannon a half mile away?

  4. Canons are a lot of fun to make and use. Back in 72 I made one in my high school metal shop (San Diego, CA), got an “A” on the project, even fired it on campus.
    As with any firearm though, aiming in a safe direction and at a safe target is a requirement.

  5. Half the problem with these numbnuts is they see this kind of crap all day long on the “reality” tv shows. They figure they can get on TV with some iPod video of them shooting a home made cannon. The sad part is they’re probably right. Having said that, since this dickhead is 65 years old maybe tv wasn’t his first thought but I’d bet the younger relatives talked him into bringing his cannon with him to the party and well, beer and cannons. Anyway, this guy needs to pay up the damages, get his cannon (and any others he has taken away) and get a year or two probation time. Nothing like peeing into a cup once a week to focus your mind on rehabilitation.

  6. What do you know, John S.? I too made a cannon in 1972 in shop class. My uncle gave me a solid brass billet 18 inches long and 5 inches thick. It looked like one of those navel guns on a ship from 1776. I loved shooting it. Unfortunately, the ex stole it and probably threw it into a river. Dang!

  7. Dumbass!!! He killed a perfectly good animal for no reason other than his own dumbassery!

    It is one thing to have fun in the middle of no and where…But firing a cannon ball willy-nilly?!?

    Hell, even my son with his BB gun knows to be sure what’s behind the target!

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