Two NBA Players Talk About Covid-19 Shot. One Sounds Intelligent, One Sounds Like an Idiot – IOTW Report

Two NBA Players Talk About Covid-19 Shot. One Sounds Intelligent, One Sounds Like an Idiot

17 Comments on Two NBA Players Talk About Covid-19 Shot. One Sounds Intelligent, One Sounds Like an Idiot

  1. Mr. Isaac sounds like a decent guy and a Christian. I don’t seek medical advice from nba players but I suppose some people do.

  2. Todays Babylon Bee outdoes itself again in proving how ridiculous COVID vaccines are useless. It’s called Seven powerful verses in the Bible that support vaccination. There are 7 memes with different Bible verses taken out of context that show just how worthless by being totally satirical and tongue in cheek how useless the vaccines are. My 2 favorites are, Love your enemies… unless they are unvaccinated, in which case you must wish for their painful deaths Matt. 5:44 and I can do all things through the vaccine that strengthens me Phil 4:13. Keep it up Babylon Bee, we can all use a good snarky laugh at these fools showing just how stupid they are in supporting all this nonsense and lies about COVID. And there is another article about the Mormons at BYU games shouting “Fudge Joe Biden” which also cracked me up.

  3. How about stop calling people who are never going to get the shot hesitant. Could you imagine if everyone on the left was referred to as “hesitant Trump voters,” implying they will vote for Trump it’s just a matter of time?

    They’d lose their shit. I think we should do that.


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