You don’t see this very often.
I’m not sure this has ever been done before…but as our national political dialogue continues to decline, my opponent @PetersonUtah and I decided to try something different. We can disagree without hating each other. Let’s make Utah an example to the nation. #StandUnited #utpol
— Spencer Cox (@SpencerJCox) October 20, 2020
Mittens stands up and claps while wiping a year from his eye.
I’m not even clicking on it. Give me a break. Remember Newt sitting with Nancy on the couch? How’d that work out, Newt?
More white privilege!!!!!!
Peterson is the democrat. Cox, who will win, is the republican with ‘never trump’ leanings – although he plays like he’s all in for trump now.
Touching! Now get the hell off my lawn.
In the next video they’ll show you how they pick out furniture together…
…working with Democrats is like that old story about the frog giving the scorpion a ride across the pond, with the scorpion as the Democrat.
Sooner or later, it’s GONNA turn on you and sting you right in the back when you’re not looking, even if it kills you BOTH.
…it’s just their nature…
Saw this last night. This is the way to do it.
Yup, the scorpion and the frog. It’s no surprise how it ends. Someone should tell Cox.
It’s official: the UniParty is out of the closet. And what a gay marriage it is. Cox & Peterson, indeed.
Syrupy embraces with creepy democrats will only serve to put their stink on you and as a never Trumper you’re already foul.
Anyone who doesn’t mock Utah for being loser inbreds,
owes WV an apology.
Good Lord that was pathetic – very effeminate – do they swap spit in the uncut version?
Neil and Bob.
Any Repubs “reaching across the aisle” have obviously not been paying attention, rendering them completely useless to those they represent.
Disgusting turncoats.
@ anonymous:
Bigot much?
Get a room.
They BOTH want to pick my pockets.
I’d also post as Anonymous if the best I could do after searching for something witty to say and all I could do after straining and straining is to push out that constipated turd of a lame overused stereotype joke. You ever read about what people do to each other everyday in places like NYC or LA? Disgusting. More disgusting than incest (certainly done in higher numbers in the big city) or more disgusting than these two jackasses or Nancy n Newt on the couch pushing the same BS (it did nothing to improve Nancy’s image, and Newt’s image has remained tarnished to this day). But no worries, later I will return to the 98% of the time when I give ignorant jokes about my home a pass, and let it roll off like water off a duck’s back.
otoh – the people in WV approve of Trump by 18% ~ 26% (depending on the poll) over Joe Biden. Likely much higher because Trump in 2016 won there by 42 points. .
“Two political opponents create an ad together”
…I think they’re ACTUALLY more interested in trying to make a baby together, and they both seem the type that won’t accept that it is not possible and expect us to reward their “courage” for trying…
I commend them for their appeal for civility.
But that appeal should have been made long ago, while there still existed among the populace in general, and within the US legislature in particular, enough ears willing to hear it.
These fools intend to bring their civility and fairness into a very uncivil and unfair arena, and have the hubris to think they can survive, let alone succeed. But expecting today’s US legislature to treat you civilly and fairly because you treat them civilly and fairly is like expecting a school of piranhas not to eat you because you won’t eat them.
The Utah Democratic Party has been living on attack ads for 30 years. They cooperate with Republicans only because they have to if they hope to get any of their legislation through. Were they ever to gain a supermajority and the governorship, they would never look across the aisle except to sneer.
Cox is one of the new generation of Republican lawmakers here that are Republicans because it is the dominant party. Their first, and only, loyalty is to their egos. They are, in a word, politicians.
The Uni Party has always existed because all political parties are filled with politicians.
Ben McAdams is the Dem version of Cox. He ran as a Democrat in Salt Lake County because it is dominated by the Democrat party. Once ensconced as County Mayor, he played the same games as any politician and responded to the demands of the county and state oligarchy, while pretending to be the man of the people. He took the side of rich developers in the state prison relocation and the relocation of homeless shelters out of the downtown area.
The man of the people oversaw the placement of the mens’ shelter into a densely populated area only a 1/4 mile from a planned (now constructed) elementary school. Why was it placed there? Because the majority who live there are new immigrants and/or poor residents who are not politically active and have no wealthy and powerful interests trying to protect the area.
It served him well, as those moneyed and powerful interests gifted him the Fourth District seat and are working toward his reelection. The local media fawn over him and paint his challenger, Burgess Owens, always in negative tones, as they did with Mia Love in 2016. The State Republican leadership is unenthusiastic in its support of Owens, if they deign to do so, as they did with Love in 2016.
I have been getting about two large glossy color mailers each week from the National Board of Realtors, in support of McAdams. and some from Pelosi money. Yes, it pays to play — allegedly.
@Blink: So who the hell reads “anonymous” posts anyway?
Oh, wait –
Um….no offense intended.
Never mind…