Two suspects shot dead by officers – IOTW Report

Two suspects shot dead by officers

From TruthRevolt:

The men drove up to the Culwell Event Center in North Garland, got out of their car and began shooting just as the “Muhammad Art Exhibit and Cartoon Contest” inside was coming to an end, Garland police spokesman Joe Harns said.

An unamed security guard was shot in the leg. He was later treated and released from a hospital.

Police who were helping with security at the event fired back, killing both gunmen, Harns said. […]

FBI and local officials were checking on the gunmen’s vehicle for explosives, a law enforcement official told CNN. The area around the center was blocked off.



8 Comments on Two suspects shot dead by officers

  1. Texas, the allah jokeys got the end they were looking for. They just utterly failed on their desired body count.

    I say- wrap them in bacon and embalm them with hog seaman. Then tell the world that is the fate awaiting any want-to-be-allah jokey.

  2. I just got finished working a 15 hour shift (because White Priviledge and stuff) and heard about this on the radio while driving home. They said “authorities are urging caution as they’ve yet to determine the motive.”

    I guess we’ll just have to wait, huh?

  3. A witness reported hearing several shots in rapid succession, then two distinct individual shots. Considering recent news of police shooting eight or nine rounds to score one hit, I’d say those Texas cops deserve some praise for their two-for-two gunnery scorecard.

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