Two Tweets Show How Out of Touch the Liberal Elite Are – IOTW Report

Two Tweets Show How Out of Touch the Liberal Elite Are


Friggin idiots.

What is it that they miss? Being part of the “historicness” of electing a black guy?

Who cares? He sucked.

There is no measurable metric where America has gained under this clown’s tutelage. Yet, multi-millionaire choads are “gonna miss him.”


12 Comments on Two Tweets Show How Out of Touch the Liberal Elite Are

  1. Well, he’s not Black. He would not be accepted as black by the Bloods, the Cripts, or any faggot gang banger in his home town. He has serious gay tendencies, so the Muzzies don’t like him. He’s black to white racists. How did this guy get elected again?

  2. Barry and Mooch aren’t going anywhere. They’ll still be in DC. Those who would “miss him” could still hang with him, if they want. Will they want to? Doubt it–it’s no longer useful. I’ll bet that Barry and Mooch will miss the hanging with “celebrities” part of their WH gig.

  3. Fook ’em. In a couple of years, some of them might actually realize that Trump is saving America from the socialists/progressive policies that were destroying their country. But I doubt that they will ever publicly admit that Obumbler was a disaster. They suffer from terminal Libtardness. Thank you Founding Fathers for the Electoral College.God speed, Donald Trump.

  4. “How did this guy get elected again?” -Brad

    “I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that’s a storybook, man.” -Joe

  5. I’m with Bad Brad. He is not black. He has a black father and a white mother, so the argument could also be made that he’s white if you use a liberal’s reasoning. Obama is a mulatto, but of course nowadays that’s as bad as calling someone the “n” word.

  6. Elected for the color of his skin and not the content of his character.
    Apparently the latter made no difference. It was far more trendy to elect a melanin laden dunce and worry about the consequences afterward.
    The world is so much better now, no?

  7. “How did this guy get elected again?”

    It’s called “voter fraud” and is prevalent in socialist/totalitarian states …

    but you knew that.

    izlamo delenda est …

  8. The die is cast. Very few if any are sitting on the fence. The socialist hypocrites are who they are and they will stay that way. Best strip them of any power and influence where possible and arm yourself lest they turn violent.

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