I don’t see Trump ever opening the windows of the White House to enjoy the smell of burning tires & businesses either…
I keep telling people to vote for policy, not personality.
Honestly, I get that Trump has an annoying side. But the neverTrumpers, whether dyed-in-the-wool Dems or independents/conservatives who dislike him so much that they won’t even consider the arguments in his favor – every last one of them got their view of Trump from the media, which intentionally portrayed him inaccurately.
Also, note this video from 2014, less than a year before Trump threw his hat into the ring. And the hostesses of The View LIKED HIM. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eLXbo3zijOY
It’s amazing how shallow and immature people are who vote personality.
A President’s personality isn’t going to stop attacks or keep the country from bankruptcy.
I am TOTALLY convinced the Shadow Government is using some sort of mind control on easily controlled individuals. How else would you explain some of the behavior, violent behavior, we’ve seen from these people. Just put a half a dozen Trump supporters on any street corner with some MAGA flags and they will show up.
Subliminal Messaging.
You will see a bunch of people on-line debunking it. Of course they try to debunk it….they don’t want you to know it works!
I think it’s beyond subliminal messaging. I think the MKUltra crowd has figured out a way to reach the portion of our population that is easily hypnotized. Especially when you consider they will all hit the same bull shit talking points on que. I know, too much tin foil.
It’s space aliens spraying crazy gas into our atmosphere. Why do you think they never land?
Oh but they do land. You clearly don’t own a pair of Rowdy Roddy Pipers sun glasses. Amazon, $19.95. LOL
I don’t see Trump ever opening the windows of the White House to enjoy the smell of burning tires & businesses either…
I keep telling people to vote for policy, not personality.
Honestly, I get that Trump has an annoying side. But the neverTrumpers, whether dyed-in-the-wool Dems or independents/conservatives who dislike him so much that they won’t even consider the arguments in his favor – every last one of them got their view of Trump from the media, which intentionally portrayed him inaccurately.
Also, note this video from 2014, less than a year before Trump threw his hat into the ring. And the hostesses of The View LIKED HIM.
It’s amazing how shallow and immature people are who vote personality.
A President’s personality isn’t going to stop attacks or keep the country from bankruptcy.
I am TOTALLY convinced the Shadow Government is using some sort of mind control on easily controlled individuals. How else would you explain some of the behavior, violent behavior, we’ve seen from these people. Just put a half a dozen Trump supporters on any street corner with some MAGA flags and they will show up.
Subliminal Messaging.
You will see a bunch of people on-line debunking it. Of course they try to debunk it….they don’t want you to know it works!
I think it’s beyond subliminal messaging. I think the MKUltra crowd has figured out a way to reach the portion of our population that is easily hypnotized. Especially when you consider they will all hit the same bull shit talking points on que. I know, too much tin foil.
It’s space aliens spraying crazy gas into our atmosphere. Why do you think they never land?
Oh but they do land. You clearly don’t own a pair of Rowdy Roddy Pipers sun glasses. Amazon, $19.95. LOL