Types of People When They’re Sick – IOTW Report

Types of People When They’re Sick

Which one are you?

17 Comments on Types of People When They’re Sick

  1. 17 years ago, the last time I was sick, those Airborne Vitamin C tablets were all the rage. I took a couple every day for a week or so. NEVER AGAIN. I lost my sense of smell and taste for 2 months.. Thought it would never come back. Now I drink some colloidal silver the instant I start to feel a bug and it’s gone within hours.

  2. Jethro
    NOVEMBER 2, 2019 AT 8:09 PM
    “When I get sick I am not ERIC BRUNT by name.”

    …hey, I’ve got an Eric Brunt story!

    …one day, Eric Brunt was out in the forest looking for a nice tree to hang himself on. It seems he had been fired for embezzling, his wife had left him, and he was about to get arrested.

    Suddenly, he came upon a clearing. In it was an old, decrepit house with and old, decrepit woman in front. She saw him and said,

    “I see you have many troubles. Know ye that I am a witch, mighty in the Coven of Hecuba, and I can do much with just a word of a spell. Tell me then your troubles, and I will tell you my price.”

    He had nothing to lose, so he did, and said “I have no money, so I can’t meet any price.”

    But then she bowed her legs, breifly uncrossed her eyes, and intoned, “ZORCH! Your company’s money is back in the bank! YVENTES! The warrant has been vacated! ZOLLA MONTA! Your wife is back home with love in her heart!”

    He boggled at her, and said “but I can not pay!

    She told him “I need no money, BUT these things will pass away if you do not make love to me for an hour. THAT is my price!

    She looked bad, smelled bad, and had leaky warts, but he thought “well, for all THAT, I can do what I gotta do to and imagine whatever to get it up. Its only an hour.”

    …an hour later, he rose from her slimy embrace, threw up a little, then dressed to go home.

    As he was leaving, she asked him “Sonny, how old are you?”

    He answered, “39. Why do you ask?

    She rolled her eyes and smiled, and said “Aren’t you a little old to be believing in witches?”

  3. I’m the kind who hasn’t gotten sick since a 1998 flu.

    Mega dosage of vitamin c will fight virus, bacteria, and even snake venom if given enough – venom requires intravenous injection of a solution with 100 grams or more.

    It fights these things one-on-one. If already sick, you’ll need even more to match the high volume of whatever has reproduced to high enough levels to make you sick.

    If you are sick already, you’ll need more than 20 grams a day.

    Liposomal Vit C is an easy way to get to that level and above at home. You’ll poop your pants with off-the-shelf stuff.

    10,000 mg a day (maintenance dose) will prevent getting cold, repair cartilage, repair vein deterioration from diabetes 2. Among other benefits.

  4. …I’m the only income for my family. I don’t take sick days until I start seeing dead relatives.

    I once had a fever so high that it burned out my inner ears and I has to learn how to walk straigt again without getting nauseous because of it, but I kept working during the rehab process,I just couldn’t use ladders and sometimes needed some extra guidance from walls…

  5. Feed a cold, starve a fever.
    Drink fluids and get plenty of rest.
    Chicken soup.
    Lemon sassafras tea.
    Hot bath and steam.
    Vitamin C.

    Oh, and here’s a good one: visualize your body’s immune cells attacking the bug and slaughtering it, as in blowing their little Communist heads clean off.

    Nah, just hunker down until you feel better (Okay, I’ll do some of it, like steam over a pot of boiling water with a towel over my head for a bad chest cold. And chicken soup if I have the flu, etc.)

  6. It’s been 3-4 years since my recurrent sinus problems have bothered me, nor so much as a cold. The one thing that I’ve done different is, I gave up all wheat. The few times I’ve fallen off the wagon and had, say, a couple slices of toast or a nice Reuben or pizza, within 2 hours I begin sneezing. If I eat enough of it, I’m fighting off a sinus infection within a couple days. Short of that, nothing. Strange but 100% true.

  7. Haven’t been sick or had the flu since 1999. That was the last time I got a flu shot and started taking vitamin D3 (especially during the low sun months of the north hemisphere Winter).

    Also, it’s best to restrict “close encounter” environments full of unknown people in confined spaces; such as, buses, trains, metro, planes/jets, the gym (get your own) and other such situations loaded with diverse strangers from who knows where.

    Hand-wash your dishes after eating, eat fresh (preferably, garden-grown) vegetables and preferably, backyard tree-grown fruits. Love your fellow man (as reasonably possible), love all good women, pray whenever you find the need, speak with God always and thank your Guardian Angel as needed …and call me in the morning.

  8. I power through it.

    Once every winter I get a terrible head cold. It’s also the only time of year I drink hard liquor. I get a pint of Christian Brothers brandy and have a few snorts after work. Puts me in a coma until the next morning.

  9. Would like to add just several additions to the above post, if you would be so kind.

    Eat meat with the words, “loin” attached to it (thick pork, Beef), chicken and “naked” (skinned) seafood. However, I eat mostly breaded.

    Drink orange and grapefruit juice fresh from a hand-operated “Squeezer”.

    Own a Jack LaLane, or similar Juicer.

    Call me in the morning.


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