U-Hauls Out of the Bay Area Cost 16 Times The Price of Most Other Major Cities – IOTW Report

U-Hauls Out of the Bay Area Cost 16 Times The Price of Most Other Major Cities

Rent a U-haul in Vegas, or Atlanta, or Phoenix and it’ll cost around 100 bucks.

Try finding one in the Bay Area. They are scarcer then hen’s teeth.


Mass exodus. People who rent U-Hauls in the Bay Area exit for good, and no one is entering with them.


A study published by Redfin found the Bay Area continues to lead the country in outward migration. The top destination for Bay Area residents looking to leave is Sacramento, followed by Los Angeles, Seattle, Portland and San Diego.


Seems as though the idiots are jumping from the frying pan into the fire.

Good. Let them completely ruin these other leftard cesspools before discovering conservatism.

ht/ jd hasty

20 Comments on U-Hauls Out of the Bay Area Cost 16 Times The Price of Most Other Major Cities

  1. Please don’t go to Texas, I’m escaping NYC and don’t want the same BS that turned NYC and Long Island into a nightmare. I’m going to get a house and a small business for the price of my 2 bedroom condo. I make a little over 100k and just get by here.

  2. There needs to be some kind of deprogramming treatment before they are allowed to leave the Bay Area.
    The only ones that are leaving are the ones that can’t get or keep a job there, for whatever reason.

  3. I’ve also seen firsthand several of CA’s wealthy urgently buying homes in central TX to establish nexus for taxes even though they plan to live and work in CA. Escaping from SF to Sacramento might be a great sanity saver but it isn’t going to do much in the way of tax savings.

  4. There is a million of those california assholes up here in N.Idaho. They drive up property prices and are beyond hopeless at driving when it is snowing. They believe they are enlightened and they think they are here to save us from ourselves.

  5. We recognize this situation and are about to address it in the only reasonable fashion. We’re raising taxes on those who stay. If that doesn’t stem the outgoing tide, we’ll blow up all the roads.

    Did we mention that leaving SF is homophobic? Because it is.

  6. The only ones that are leaving are the ones that can’t get or keep a job there, for whatever reason.

    No way that’s correct. The article just stated how a U-Haul truck in the Bay Area is costing up to two grand to rent. The only ones leaving are the ones with the money and means to do so. Which unfortunately means the contagion of rich white liberals is starting to break the quarantine and risks infecting the rest of the nation.

  7. Only idiots rent U-Haul’s to drive long distance. Having done this move… Twice… Rent Penske. Yellow trucks are diesel, the white ones are often gas. The diesels get around 10 mpg, if you get saddled with a gasser (either Penske or U-Haul) you get as low as 5 mpg.

  8. The last time I left CA was in a ’52 Dodge step van, pulling a trailer with 3 MC and a lot of Coors.
    I paid for the gas with the Coors. Paid 1.75 for a six pack, sold for $5, or a buck a can.
    Stupid rednecks, lol.
    Remember the CB craze, yep, it was a lot of fun, got a lot of invitations to party.

  9. It would be cheaper if all those moving out pooled their funds and got their guns and made every CA legislator and the idiot governor be the ones leaving the state.

    I’m awaiting CO to reach that same lousy ‘get me out of here’ status.

  10. @TN Tuxedo,
    If they have money, they are not moving with U-Haul.
    Now that I think about it, I kind of doubt this story.
    Why not just drive twenty miles outside of town and get a normal rate? You will be dropping off hundreds of miles away, so it should make your bill cheaper if anything.
    What’s supporting this inflated rate?
    This doesn’t add up.

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